Thursday, January 20, 2022

Blog Book

Next month, I will have been blogging for 15 yrs.  Fifteen years!  Holy cow!  How much longer will I blog?  Time will only tell ....

In the meantime, it was time to get around to publishing my blog posts into book form.  I'm using Blog2Print and surprise, surprise, it is very easy to do.  This is my first book.  This past year was chosen so that I could see the quality, etc.  Very happy with it.  So happy, that an additional two more books have been ordered. 

It has been interesting and bittersweet to go back through the years and read my posts.

I really do miss these two furry girls.  Miss Hank and Miss Ashes.  What joy they brought to us and I had so much fun showing them off to the world with their antics.  They were the best of companions and they so loved to help me quilt.  Yes, bittersweet, but good memories.

When it was time to play, Miss Hank would stick her head into the toy bucket and choose the perfect toy for me to play with her.
Miss Ashes loved to pose and then make herself comfy for sleeping.  Fun years.
Going through the years, there were about 50 posts that I did have to go back into and adjust by removing the function of Read More.  It took a bit of thinking but I was finally able to figure out what had to be done to remove that function so that when those posts are submitted to Blog2Print the whole post will be picked up and printed.  So, if you get notifications from me for posts back in 2013 and 2014 that is the explanation.

We are now in the middle of winter.  Snow and very cold weather.  The temperatures are crazy.  Yesterday afternoon it was 2C then overnight it went down to -28C.  Such extremes in a very short window of time.

The steps in our backyard are slowly disappearing.  Look closely at the snow in the foreground .... it looks like someone threw a handful of sparkles on top of the snow!
Below is my hubby snow blowing our driveway.  It was cold, very cold out there .... but someone has to do it!  LOL  Thank you hubby!
My "Presents Galore" is finished, washed and dried.  I just need to take a better photo of it.
Cherish your day, cherish your life!


Jennifer said...

Brrrr.....that looks so cold! Just as well you have that snow-blowing the new quilt, just the thing for cold days (and nights). Lovely to see Miss Hank and Miss Ashes again, their pics come up sometimes on our computer too.

Kyle said...

You do have a dreary cold January day. Thank goodness for snow blowers and operators. 15 years of blogging is quite the accomplishment and recording all of that in book form will be a great way of remembering.

Chookyblue...... said...

We stayed at the same time..... Also 15 years next month.....
I love my blog books and been doing them for years.....I print then each year..... Need to check if they are being sent to Australia at present then I'll order last year's..... Great to look back thru the memories...... So pleased you quilt is done.....I need to get binding.....I forgot....