Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April challenges

April has been a busy month with appointments, a sick cat and family functions.  Not much got accomplished in my studio, but I'm very happy at what got done.

Now, our sick cat.  It all started a couple of weeks ago, when I tried putting Ridley outside on a harness.  He absolutely freaked out.  He did not want to be outside and once back inside he started throwing up his food.  A number of days later and a visit to the vet and x-rays showed nothing there to cause the sickness.  He was given meds to stop the nausea and vomiting and a few days later, he was fine.  Then, I was gone for a day and he was sick while I was gone.  I'm thinking the cause is anxiety.  He is fine again and back to healthy eating and playing.  He will just need some time to adjust to my comings and goings and relax.

So, what got done?  My quilt binding challenge with no-blog Mary got done ..... with Ridley's help, of course.  We had a nice nap under the quilt and it has been Ridley approved!  More on this quilt later.

Now, for the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge #9 ..... my Rail Fence Delight ufo has progressed along nicely.  The second panel has all those pieces appliqued in place.  The big red star needs to be prepped and stitched on.  All the stars and circles in the outer border have been prepped and are ready to be appliqued once I get there.  

Depending on what number will be pulled for May, I will more than likely still work on this ufo.  Got to get it done.

May will be here tomorrow and that means different quilts for display and a post will be coming for them.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What's happening here!

 Oh Ridley .... he is such a lap cat!  When I try to do some handwork, he is right there to help me!

When a niece came to visit with us, she had to do her homework.  Ridley made sure she did her homework by anchoring her on her Mom's lap.  LOL

When he is not on my lap or looking outside, he is guarding my fabric.
Anyway, some progress has been made on my "Rail Fence Delight".  Lots of stars and circles have been made for the outer border.

The second strip of applique has been marked up and is now ready for me to work on it.

We've had more snow and it has melted.  Some spring flowers are starting to sprout up out of the ground.  Spring is sort of here.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

April quilts on display

Here are my quilts that can be selected for display for the month of April.  My goodness, but when I look at the photos, quite a few of the quilts are EPP.  Wow, how did that happen?  Enjoy!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Scrappy Bargello

This is now a top!  Yea!  Got something finished.  With Ridley being part of the family now, I devised a plan in order to give me some sewing time.  We have playtime early in the morning and tire him out so that he sleeps for most of the morning and that is my sew time.  Yes, I'm smart!  LOL 

This pattern came from Bonnie Hunter in her "free pattern" tab section.  Scrappy Bargello is the name of this pattern.

I did it slightly different than her instructions.  First off, I didn't cut all the strips she recommended.  Looking at the photo, all the downward sections are the same fabrics placed in different locations.  All the upward sections are also the same fabrics.  This is a lap size top and instead of 128 strips, I only only cut out 64 strips.  I had to just make sure that the length was long enough to make two strips each.

Backing has been selected and this top is ready for the LAer.

I'm happy with the look and would make this pattern again and again.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Monday, April 1, 2024

March Chookshed Stitchers Challenge update

March was a bit of a dud for me ...... my quilting mojo went to sleep and not as much got done.

Why?  Well ..... we have a new member of our family.  Meet Ridley.  He came to our back door and after posting on local FB pages to see if someone owned him and even after bringing him to SPCA for microchip scanning, no one has come forward and we have decided to keep him.  He is so friendly and loving and used to people and kids.

He captured hubby's heart and that was it .... he is ours now.  I did go through the listing for poisonous plants and quite a few house plants got culled to keep him safe.
He even helped me to bind a quilt but mostly got in the way.  I can see a lot of  him photobombing in my future!  LOL

I did eventually get binding on my quilt ..... more on that later.

The bargello strips all got sewn together and it just needs two outer borders and this top will be done.
Three tops went to the LAer and came back a week later.  Yea .... more quilts to bind!
Seven pillowcases got made:

More batting pieces got frankenpieced for an ongoing project .... and that is such a good thing!

So, that's it for March.  Now, what about April?  #9 was pulled and this is what I will be working on.  It has been years since working on this UFO.  How lovely it will be to finish my "Rail Fence Delight".

Upcoming posts will be to show my newest finished quilt and also what quilts are on display for April.  Stay tuned!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!