Friday, May 31, 2024

May Challenges

Oh, what a month May has been for me.  Busy, busy, busy with appointments for hubby.

So, did anything get accomplished?  For the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge, nothing got done on this star project.  I did find the book (which was in the bottom of the bin), read through the next round of instructions and just put the book back in the bin with the project and closed the lid.  Oh dear!  That doesn't sound like a good start on getting this ufo worked on.

So, what did I do?

I worked on finishing this ufo instead and so, so happy that it is finally a top.  There was a lot of hand stitching those stars and circles and bit by bit one border got done and then another and so on until ..... DONE!  My Rail Fence Delight and how delightful it turned out.  The size is 75-1/2" x 91-1/4"

Then, the days slipped by in a blur and the binding was not on my quilt yet.  Finally, with one day to spare it got done.  I just love the backing fabric which came from a duvet cover from Ikea.
So, here is my quilt done and ticked off for my May Binding Challenge with no-blog Mary.  There will be a separate post about our challenge and about this quilt.

Even though #5 of the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge did not get worked on, I'm very happy with what did get accomplished.  Don't worry, that star project has not been shelved, it is still around my cutting table, so it will get worked on at some point.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Donation quilt

Here is my donation quilt, finished and ready to go.

Isn't it amazing what a little bit of applique can do to change the look from ordinary to sweet!  Someone will love this quilt.
I'm glad it is done and I can move on to making another one soon.

Quilt details:

Source:  none .... just made up as I went.  I do have a bunch of nine-patch blocks that I try to use up each time making a donation quilt.

Block size:  8-1/2" finished

Quilt Size:  60" x 75"

Started:  January 2024

Finished:  April 2024

Batting:  Hobbs 80/20 

Machine quilted by:  Kathy Wareham

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Friday, May 24, 2024

"Sweet Dreams"

"Sweet Dreams are made of this".  I sing that song every time I write about this quilt.  

I've been promising photos of this quilt for a while now and now was the time to do it.  The ground outside is dry and the quilt wouldn't get too dirty.  How lovely it looks in our garden under the crab apple tree that is now blooming.

The applique sashings and cornerstones have journeyed with me on many trips down to the Caribbean islands.  It has been on the go for about 10 yrs. or so.  Finally, this quilt is done and ready to be enjoyed and displayed with other quilts.
A close-up of the sashing and cornerstone.  

Love the backing fabric.  There wasn't enough fabric to cover the entire quilt, so piecing had to happen to make it work.  Happy with the outcome.
Here is what I did with my backing.  Looks great and allowed me to use up that lovely floral fabric!
Oh, look who photo-bombed!  Poor Ridley .... he is having seizures lately.  He has been through so much in his short life with us.  Need to get the seizures sorted out and get him onto meds.  Is this another reason why he was dumped?  He has been neutered and the leaking of spray has stopped.  Thank heavens for that.  The throwing up has ceased.  He is now on food for sensitive stomachs.  He loves to play and cuddle with us and is such an adorable cat .... but we won't mention the curtains in the LR and DR and what he has done to them ....
Quilt Details:

Source:  "Tea in the Garden - Quilts for a Summer Afternoon" book by Cynthia Tommaszewski

Block size (finished):  10" and 5" cornerstone and 5" x 10" sashings

Started:  May 2009

Top Finished:  Dec. 2022

Quilt Finished:  April 2024

Quilt Size:  98" x 98" (top size:  101-3/4" x 102-1/4" before quilting, washing and drying)

Batting:  Hobbs 80/20

Machine quilted by:  Kathy Wareham using "Falling For You" design by Christy Dillon

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May Quilts for Display

Well, with the month of May ...... comes a different set of quilts for display in our home.

Here they are ..... enjoy!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Friday, May 3, 2024

May Challenges

May has come ..... the grass is green ..... things are starting to sprout up in the garden.

With May comes new challenges.

For the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge 2024, this is my UFO to work on.  This project dates back to 2014.  I took a class when my friend Debra came up to our guild and taught us this pattern.   The book is someplace and I will need to find it to figure out how to do the rest.  If not, then I will need to put on my thinking cap and figure it out!  

I will also still work on my Rail Fence Delight.  I do want to get this project moved along more.  It will take another month or so because there is still a lot of applique to do.
Also for May, no-blog Mary and I are still doing our monthly binding challenge.  This is Mary's quilt to bind.  Cute, eh!
This will be my quilt to bind. 

Cherish your day, cherish your life!