So ... is this ruler worth the money I paid and does the ruler live up to its' claim? Are you interested in finding out? Read on ....

So far, my findings (based on two sharpened blades) are as follows:
How can this ruler sharpen my blade? On one edge of the ruler, there is a diamond carbide edge (that is embeded into the plastic edge) that sharpens the rotary blade as you cut your fabric. As the rotary cutter moves along the special edge, you can hear the blade and the edge grinding so you know that you are doing it correctly.
I could see an improvement with my blade each time the ruler was used.
Once the blade was sharpened, the ruler was stored away and I started using my regular ruler again. My plan is to keep this ruler only for sharpening my blades. As with everything else, the diamond carbide edge will eventually wear away. I bought this 6-1/2" x 6-1/2" ruler since that is the size that I use a lot for cutting my fabric. Also, this size was a lot cheaper than buying the larger size rulers and I didn't want to pay lots for a ruler that didn't work.
In order to ensure that the full blade got sharpened (this is because I bought the smaller ruler), the ruler was placed on the fabric and without lifting the rotary cutter, the ruler was moved along the width of the fabric so that the blade was sharpened all around the circumference. You do have to remember to dismantle your cutter and turn your blade over so that both edges are sharpened. You also have to remember to use the side of the ruler that has the special edge. A couple of times ... I forgot. :o)

Let's face it, a new blade is sharp and there is no way to match up to that with any sharpener that you buy. Even though my blade has been sharpened, I do have to apply a bit of pressure while cutting with any ruler (this new one and my regular rulers).
Will this ruler sharpener take out nicks? My blades had small nicks and they were removed. Large ones, I doubt it.
Once my blade starts to dull, I will take out my new ruler and re-sharpen my blade again. At some point, a brand new blade will need to come out of storage and my old one will be scrapped.
I do have about 5 new blades still in their packages; but this new sharpener is easy to use and (for me) it was worth it to buy this new ruler.
BTW ..... I am not affliated with the manufacturing company and they are not paying me anything to give my opinion. There is a chance that my opinion will not agree with someone else. It is your decision if you want to purchase one of these rulers or not.
Have a great day!