Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Tick Off Another!

This is a long awaited ufo that has finally been ticked off the list!  Thanks to Chooky ( and her Churn Dash Challenge ..... this was pulled off the shelf and the top is done and will be going to my favourite LAer, Kathy, next week.  It was so nice to show off this top when I zoomed with Chooky last week.  Oh, happy, happy days!

This past weekend and this week, we have been having glorious weather with the temps going up to mid-twenties Celsius.  So nice, that my sister and I and our brother and SIL made a trip out to the cottage for a few days.  There was still some outdoor painting that needed to be done and that was achieved.  Yeah!

Here are some views of our lake.  Leaves have fallen and trees are bare now.

When we sat outside beside the fire one night, there was a lone wolf calling on the other side of the lake.  Just one howl that it kept repeating until in the far distance another wolf answered the call.
Chooky asked to see photos of our cottage.  So here they are but are closed up for the winter.  My sister and I share the cottage closest in this photo.  The green cottage is the bunkie for family and guests.  The far cottage is my brother's and SIL.  They are nothing fancy, but these are now over 50 yrs. since being built.

Status on the squirrel and it's abundance of cedar seeds .... they are still on the deck and on the ground.  We have seen signs that it is eating the seeds, but it doesn't seem compelled to store them away someplace.  Oh well ....

On our way home from the cottage, I said to my sister that it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't get stopped by the Ministry of Natural Resources.  It is moose hunting season now and there are a lot of hunters and sadly, poachers, around our cottage area.  Yep, we did get stopped and was asked if we had firearms.  Nope, we don't and off we went.

Now that work at the cottage has been completed for this year, I'm home more now and decided to pull another ufo off the shelf and get borders on it.  This top has two sides with first round of borders and then for some reason .... probably a squirrel came by ..... I stopped and binned this project.  Let's see if I can get the remaining borders on for next Tuesday to bring it also to the Kathy.
When I dropped off two tops with her a few weeks ago, Kathy mentioned to me that someone had started a rumour that her machine quilting business had stopped.  Now, why would someone do that?  Competition or just plain mean spirited?  So, anyone in my area reading my blog and wanting a top quilted, Kathy is still in business.  I'm in the North Bay, Ontario, Canada region and Kathy can be contacted at:

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Tick off another UFO!

This UFO only needed two border blocks and it could have been done ages ago.  Oh well, it is done now and this top and another are with my favourite LAer, Kathy.

Borders are starting to go onto my Churn Dash quilt, but no photos of that yet.

Early this week, my sister sent this photo of these four deer eating her crab apples.  Awesome photo!

This is what we woke up to this morning ...... it will be gone by the weekend as the daytime temps will be in the mid-teens .... but this is just a wee taste of what will come later next month.  What makes these photos so interesting is the snow on the leaves!  Usually, when we get our first snow, the leaves are off and all we see are bare trees and it looks like Xmas wonderland.  You can tell that this snow is early for us this time.

I think this is a good morning to have some Bailey's in our coffee ....

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

More blocks are a coming!

I've made great progress on my Pyramids/Triangles but have decided to add just one more row and fabrics have been selected.  A few more weeks and this top should be ready to be assembled.

Cottage season is closed for this year.  We had a huge gang (15) out for our Thanksgiving weekend.  Groups went out on their atv's to hit the trails and do some hunting for partridge.  Instead of a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, we had a simple spaghetti dinner.  Our three cottages on the property were full to the rim with family.

Early one morning last week, we had heavy fog that blocked the view of the other side of the lake.  So calm, so silent, so peaceful.

Also, last week, while sitting by the fire, we could see (using our flashlights) a beaver swimming in front of our cottage.  It was cutting the weeds for eating.  First time we saw that!  Wished we could have taken a photo, but it was too dark.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Getting borders on!

I'm trying my best to get tops finished.  The hold up?  Borders, borders and borders.  They are easy to do, but are tedious and bulky.

First up to be finished is this top that I'm calling "candy crush".   This top is way brighter than it appears here.

Pieces have been cut and kitted to make another one almost exactly the same, but will have to wait so that I can get a few more tops that need borders finished first.

The year is winding down and I would like to get a few ufo's crossed off my long list.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Another month .... two more quilts!

No-blog Mary and I have done it again!  For September, we each have another quilt finished for our binding challenge!

This is Mary's:

This is mine (more on this in another post):

We have selected our quilts to bind for October.  Whatever Mary pulls out of a bag is her choice for each month.  Me, I am more particular about which quilt to bind each month.

This is Mary's:
Mary thinks we both worked on making this quilt around the same time as I have this quilt also.

This is my October quilt to bind:
Both our quilts this month are huge ones ..... so, best get cracking on making that binding!

Cottage time is winding down.  We are going to have a few warm days and nights this week and my sister and I will be heading out in the morning to do more outside painting.

The family are making plans to all be out there this coming weekend to celebrate our Canadian Thanksgiving.  The weekend temps are going to be cool with possibility of snow!  Snow?  Ye Gods!

I will be checking on the saga of the squirrel.  Will those seeds finally be gone or not?  We shall see.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!