I'm back for just a short visit to show you a quilt that was finished this week. I just love this setting in my sister's garden and thought that this would make a lovely photo. Can you see how the striped binding really finishes this quilt? I have become a big fan of stripes for binding my quilts and will use more of them for future quilts.

I've been sorting fabrics in my studio and have started to make up 9 patch blocks. My studio is getting re-organized and I wish that photos were taken for a 'before' and 'after'; but I forgot. The main thing is I can actually walk around and not fall over stuff now. There is nothing like a clean work space for motivation. This quilt got put together fairly quickly and everything (except for backing fabrics) were from my stash. How good that feels to just use up stash!
This lap quilt was made for a dear cousin who is battling cancer. She is a lover of flowers and this quilt looks so serene amongst all the hostas. We are all praying that she pulls through and your thoughts and prayers would be most welcome.
I've been visiting family, doing more genealogy researching and there is a pile of books just waiting for me to read .... and quilting and applique will always caputure my attention during our summer months.
So, until next time we meet .... have fun sewing!