Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Almost there!

Well, my plan to try to get at least two blocks done per day is working.  Not many more to go now.  Just 16 full blocks ......

.... and 8 half blocks on both ends.

My sister and I went to the cottage a couple of weeks ago.  We saw autumn colours on the trees.  Say it isn't so!!!!  No, it was the setting sun casting a glow on the trees across the lake.  Whew.

Then, we saw something in the middle of the lake.  What in the world was it.  Was it a bird?  No, this thing was odd looking and moving way too quickly for a bird.  My sister got the binoculars and looked and .... holy cow .... it is a moose, she said.  We grabbed our cameras and went flying out the door.  By the time we got to the front of our property, the moose had already moved away down the lake.  We had to hurry to be able to catch it as it was coming ashore.

Off into the bush it went.  This was a young moose.  How excited we both were!  We nearly missed seeing this moose.  We were on the porch facing the lake.  I was reading a book and my sister was doing a crossword.  She got stuck and looked up to think and that is when she saw something funny in the water.  Karma.
Mr. Ridley is quite the contented kitty.  His meds hopefully are working.  He will have bloodwork done in a month and we will see then how he is doing.  He was buy looking out the window at some work being done in front of our home and stayed like this for a good 15-20 minutes.
He still drags this rope to his water bowl; drops it in and then drags it back to the living room or dining room.

Of all his toys, this seems to be his favourite and we find it in different places around our home.  One end is usually wet.  LOL

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Monday, July 15, 2024


When I worked on the 5 different sashings for this quilt, I did think it was me thinking outside the box and wanting to try something different and how unique my quilt turned out.

After my post, I got to thinking ..... I've done this before!  Seven years ago, I made this quilt with 7 different sashings also.  So, I'm guessing that this idea works for me!  Been there, done that .... twice already!  LOL

If you are thinking of trying this idea ..... go for it and have fun!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Friday, July 5, 2024

July quilts for display and Collection for a Cause quilt - Friendship

Since starting to seriously quilt back in 2000, it is amazing how many quilts have been done over the years and how many collections I now have to choose from for each month.

The only months that are duplicated are the months of February (for Valentine's) and July (for Canada Day).  Those are the months for red/neutral quilts.  

To see those quilts, you can go to this post and see them.

Since that post, there is a new addition and it is this quilt.

Wanting to try something different and think outside the box, there are 5 different sashings that were used and here they are:
The backing is from a duvet cover that was bought at IKEA.  

I did make one adjustment to the applique design as shown below.  I just found the space to do reverse applique too close and knew it would be a struggle.  Just look where OLD was marked in the two places to see just how close the old lines were.  There was only 1/8" to separate the circle and the petal and the petal and the outer edge.  Just not enough space to easily work with.  So happy the changes were made.

Quilt Details:

Pattern Source:  Moda fabrics

Block Size:  8" finished

Started:  February 2023

Top finished:  December 2023

Quilt finished:  May 2024

Size:  49-1/2" x 63-3/4" (top size before quilting, washing & drying:  52-1/2" x 66")

Batting:  Hobbs poly

Quilted by:  Kathy Wareham using Trillium Leaf by Darlene Epp.  The trillium is the provincial flower for Ontario and they put on quite a lovely display in May in the forest.

For each month, I need 8 quilts to display on walls, railing and quilt rack.  So far, there are a total of 10 red/neutral quilts available to pull.  All I need to do is make another 6 and then the quilts can be split into two groups for display and not have a repeat for February and July.

Right now, there are plans to make two and possibly three.  My brain has been busy thinking and planning!  LOL  Fabrics have been gathered and they can be started at any time.  More on those plans later.  There is an old UFO that could be pulled out and worked on also.

For the whole month of July, I will just sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labour!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July Challenges

For July, the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge, the number to work on is #1 and this is it:

Alas, that project will be NOT be worked on after all.  There is a wedding quilt that needs to be started and made this month and that is what will be worked on instead.  My niece already knows about this quilt, so the pattern can be shown.
My Chevron Log blocks will continue to be worked on.  I try to get at least 2 blocks done per day.  The QAYG bit will be done later.  
If time permits .... perhaps this fabric might be used for another gift quilt .... but that is probably wishful thinking.
I will try and get the binding on this quilt ....
No-blog Mary did a great job in restoring this quilt back to life.  She had to put on a new backing plus new binding.  She did better than me last month.  She said the job was tedious, hot and heavy.  Her daughter will be delighted her quilt will be usable once again.
Ridley is back to have seizures again.  The meds are helping.  They are not daily (last ones were a month ago) and I'm wracking my brains trying to think of the trigger.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Challenges

Life got in the way this month and not as much got done as hoped for.  

More Chevron Log Cabin blocks got done and that seems to be about it.  This is my #10 for the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge.  I would like to get the rest of the blocks done soon so that I can take them off my design wall in preparation for a couple of gift quilts to be started.

From the beginning of June ......

to end of June ........  this is quite a difference!  From 9 blocks to 63 blocks on the design wall.
Plus 2 more that are ready for the binding to be folded over, sewn and then hand quilted.  A total of 65 blocks.  All of the dark triangles that you see pinned onto the design wall means that is how many more blocks are needed.  Still have a way to go.

No binding got done .... but two more quilts got picked up from my LAer.  My no mo-jo for the binding challenge will have to be sorted out and get going again for July.

I was asked about a quilt on Rose Marie's page on Pinterest.  This is not my page at all, but I did a search on Pinterst and found the quilt that the quilter was asking about.  It is called "Convent Quilt" and the lady wants to make it because she lives on Convent Lane in Australia.  I believe this is the quilt she was asking about.  This is not my quilt, nor my photo.  I took it from Pinterest.  Mind you, the story about this quilt is quite interesting and was started by nuns living in a convent in Quebec.  Their story makes me want to make one too.

At the same time, I was able to find the instructions on how to make this quilt and the links are below:

If you are the lady that wants to make this quilt, please note, that I do not take any responsibility about the instructions.  They are as posted.  

To my fellow Canadians ..... Happy July 1st.  To my American friends .... Happy July 4th!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chevron Log Cabin blocks

I've made much progress on this project this month.  Between bouts of rain and then very hot weather and appointments .... this is my progress so far.

The beginning of this month saw just nine blocks done.  

Then ... ta da ..... this is where they are at right now.  The blocks had to be turned sideways on my design wall.  It will be longer than wider.  The triangles you see on the design wall shows how many more blocks need to be made. So, getting there!
A few of the blocks have been quilted up just so that I could see what they will look like.
Big stitch hand quilting is being done on them and I'm sure loving where this journey is going.
On the Ridley front, he is fine again.  He is back to being his usual self.  One odd thing he does, is drag his toy rope to his water dish and after eating, he drops the rope into his water dish or he will just drop the end into his water dish without eating.  Why?  Don't know but he does this time and time again.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June Quilts for Display

Gosh, June already!  The year is going by so quickly.  Here are all the quilts that I can choose from to display for the month of June.  So, sit back and enjoy the eye candy.  As you can tell, I have had a ball making all of my quilts for display each month.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Friday, June 7, 2024

June Challenges

For the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge, #10 was pulled.

For #10, this is what I can work on:

NICU baby blankets

Gift or donation quilts or tops

Adult bibs

Adding hanging sleeves onto quilts

Frankenpiecing batting

QAYG Log Cabin blocks

I have chosen to work on my QAYG Log Cabin blocks and this is where I'm at right now.  There are 7 more blocks ready to work on.  All the strips and triangles have been cut out and ready to for paper piecing.  The quilting bit will be worked on later as I do want those for take along projects.

Then, I will get sleeves and labels onto these two quilts and have them ready for hanging at any time.

There is a gift quilt that I need to start working on ..... so that may or may not get started.  We'll see as time goes on.

For my binding challenge with no-blog Mary, this is what we are working on:

Mary's quilt to bind and repair.  Mary made this quilt for her daughter many, many years ago.  The backing needs replacing as well as the binding.  Her daughter doesn't want to give up on this quilt and I can understand why!  Mary said it probably would be easier to just make a new quilt .... but no way says the daughter.

My quilt will be this one.  It has been waiting in the closet for many years now and it is time to finish it.

My time has been busy dealing with Ridley.  He now has meds to help control his seizures.  There seems to be a pattern for the seizures.  One day he had 3 seizures and they started about 2 hrs. after he ate.  The vet did some tests and the results will be ready in about a week as the samples had to be sent away for analysis.  At least now with the meds, I can control the seizures.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!