Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November Binding Challenge

The year is running out .... just one more monthly binding challenge for this year.

No-blog Mary and I met our November challenge.

Mary did two small quilts.  She took photos of one but the second one was gifted before she remembered to take a photo.  Mary did say that Xmas gifts will be very easy this year .... a number of her finished quilts, runners, etc. will be gifted.  A win-win, I would say!!

My two quilts got done plus a third one.  Wow, bonus!!!!  Posts will be coming for these two quilts.

In the process, I have a new favourite binding fabric which is perfect for kiddie quilts and my more colourful quilts.  This is the second quilt that I've used it on and it will be used many times again before it runs out.  Originally, this fabric was purchased to make a jacket, but that idea got tossed and since there are a few metres around, binding to the rescue!
Now, the third quilt .... it is not mine.  I picked up this top from guild quite a few years ago and had it quilted for me.  Since there are a few skeleton fabrics in the quilt, it was hard to pick a charity to give it to.  It has a gorgeous horse fabric but the skeletons are associated with death, it was not suitable as a QOV (I did ask) .... nor for a cancer patient ..... nor for someone in hospice.  So, instead, it (along with the quilt in my last post) will be going to a women's shelter in a nearby town.  Halloween was recent and a child would think of Halloween and enjoy the quilt.  It is not a big quilt but perfect for a child.
The beige top and bottom borders were added to make it longer.
Fabrics have been pulled to make pillowcases to go along with the two quilts I'm donating.  The pillowcases will be stuffed with kiddie things to do.

While finishing up these quilts, I happened to find a bag that had a half finished knitted hat in it.  Well, perfect to finish and hand over along with the quilts.  Viola .... that owl is so cute, eh!   I have another hat kit with an elephant, but that one will be knitted up and given to my great nephew for Xmas.
A cold virus came by and caught me and three weeks later, I'm still coughing a bit.  So, for three weeks, binding happened and also some painting of wooden ornaments.  They were fun to do and kept me entertained.

Such a good way to end the month of November!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Monday, November 21, 2022

A Fun Scrappy Quilt

I've been meaning to take photos of a few finished quilts ..... but life keeps getting in the way.

This was a sweet and easy quilt to make and it went together very quickly.  A perfect quilt for donation.  

Can you see the snow in the background of the above photo?  Unless we have a thaw, this snow will be staying until the spring.

Quilt details:
Source:  just starting cutting and placing on the design wall
Block size:  2" x 4" finished
Quilt started:  November 2021
Quilt finished:  October 2022
Quilt size:  54-1/2" x 69-3/4" (top size before quilting, washing and drying: 56-1/4" x 72")
Batting:  Hobbs cotton/poly 80/20
Machine quilted by:  Kathy Wareham

You know .... some squirrels came by to play and before I knew it, a new project!  LOL

I was reading on this blog: about her finished quilt and knew that I had to get the pattern going and start making my own quilt too.  The pattern is from Sentimental Stitches called Fragments of Cloth.  If you compare, my version has been changed up a bit.

All the blocks were made mostly from my scraps!  I had to dig into my stash for the last few remaining blocks to get a good variety.  Next up will be to start sewing the rows together.    Was there a dent made in the scrap bins?  Nada .... but in the process, I did get a zippy bag of scraps ready for donation to my guild.  Win-win situation!
Not to be outdone, this oldie project is off the shelf and has been worked on.  There will be applique on the top border, but it has to be reduced as it looks too big right now and is overpowering the bottom section.
Stuff is getting done, but it is just taking time.

Cherish your day, cherish your life! 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

I'm Done with the Pyramids .... or Trees?

Are these pyramids or trees?  My hubby says 'trees'.  Anyway, the top is currently at the LAer and I will get it back in a few weeks.  I can't say this was a fun EPP project to do as it did give me some issues that I was able to overcome.  So glad this one is done and I can move onto something else.

My churn dash quilt is back from the LAer.  This has been added to the pile of quilts to bind next year.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

October and November Binding Challenge

Another month gone and no-blog Mary and I each completed our binding challenge.

This is October's by no-blog Mary:

and mine (more on this quilt later):
We then pulled our quilts for November .... two each this time.

Mary's quilts are small, so she thought she should do two this month.

So, not to be outdone, I also chose two.  LOL  These are needed for Xmas gifts and I might as well get them done early.  These were picked up from my LAer this morning and they are already trimmed.  Binding for one of them has already been cut.  
My sister and I are heading back to the cottage for a few more days.  The weather is going to be lovely again and we might as well take advantage of it.  Usually, when we close at Thanksgiving, that is it for cottage season.  This year is an exception.

I just might take one of these quilts with me to work on.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!