A few years ago, my SIL was making these stockings and selling them at a local craft show.
When I saw photos of them, we just had to have a pair.
They are so rich and crazy in all their glory. The backing is red velveteen and the scraps are lace and satin and velvet and ……. wonderful! :o)
Sadly, today, I learned that
Connie is/was contemplating closing her blog due to lack of time for blogging. Reading the comments left on her post, a lot of us understand where she is coming from as there is a problem with time. Time to blog and time to read blogs. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had to re-organize my time spent on blogging as I found that too much time was spent at the computer and not enough time spent working on my quilting.
So, have come to the conclusion that there are 7 days in a week (not new to you, eh) and on Mondays, I will read all blogs that fall within A-C; Tuesdays will be D-G, etc. You get the picture.
There are new blogs and rings popping up all the time now and I want to be able to visit them all as well as my older blogs and I have found that by organizing my list of daily blogs to visit, there is some order of time management in place.
If one of my favourite blogs hasn’t posted in a couple of months, then it’s transferred to a monthly blog that I visit every month. This way, I’m not spending my time looking at an inactive blog.
I know there are bloglines, etc. out there that I can register with, but they have their problems too. Many of us post more than once a week and I would not be able to keep up. So for now, this method works for me.
If you have a great method for blog reading, let’s hear from you.
Have a great weekend!