No, seriously …. WINTER has finally arrived here in Toronto. Driving yesterday was a nightmare and so glad that we didn’t have to go anywhere.
Things are coming together quite well for this quilt. Another week or so and it should be pretty close to assembling. The letters are slowing me down, but once you get the hang of it, then they become easier to make.
My sketched design keeps changing. I keep jotting down ideas, cross some old ones off and then think about how a block can be made up.
A couple of my trees looks like they are doing the hula dance ….. it’s so cold and windy here, the trees are dancing to keep warm!
Indeed, it is challenging, but …… what fun to see something in my head come together in fabric.
Did you folks south of the border have a great Thanksgiving yesterday? So, who is going out shopping on Black Friday for bargains?
This week, I finished up my SSCS gift and it's now drying and waiting for a label and then it can be sent to ....... Nope, you will have to wait until after Xmas to see who got what!
Have a great day!