... the Olympics are over and I don't know about the rest of the world, but darn it ..... we had a blast! Our excitment for the Games to start was immediately stopped when we heard about the tragic death of the Georgian luger (
may he rest in peace, dear God!) and then we held our breaths for the jinx to be broken with our first gold medal on Canadian soil to an all time record breaking number of gold medals ... whew .... there was a lot of tearful emotions we went through.
Ashes is glad that things have quieted down a lot and we can once again shower her with attention .... we scared the girls quite a number of times with our cheering and clapping.

While watching the last day of the torch relay and during the Opening Ceremonies, I finished putting in the last stitches on my Dresden Plate. You have seen so many images of this quilt and I'm just so glad to finally say that .... it is done! Can I be so bold to claim a gold medal finish?

Here are close-up shots of my hand quilting and machine quilting.

Yes, I do combine both machine and hand quilting in my quilts (not all of them, mind you) and was quite surprised with the outcome of this one. With the close stipple machine quilting and larger meander along with hand quilting, I was expecting the blocks to be quite wonky, but somehow it worked and the quilt came out square all around.
So, enjoy my quilt and have a great day, eh!
Quilt size: queen (97" x 97" --- quilt top was 102-1/2 x 102-1/2 --- a loss of 5-1/2" x 5-1/2")
Quilt source: EQ6 for the Dresden Plates and the border is my original design.
This quilt could earn the GOLD for Canada, it's a wonderful quilt!
That one deserves a gold for sure - it's beautiful!
That is so pretty! Just in time for spring - it's a very spring-like quilt.
Yes, the Olympics were terrific! But wow, what a finish for you. Just beautiful. Definitely gold medal worthy.
DEFINITELY a gold medal...I'm singing the anthem (can you hear me??).
I like your mix of hand and machine quilting...it works really well!!
Great finish and such a nice BIG one (how about two golds!!).
A gold medal winner, just beautiful, may I ask what pattern is this, I just love it. I have never mix machine quilting and hand quilting, but it sure did turn out pretty, I will have to try this. HAPPY SEWING!
Most definitely a GOLD! Beautiful finish, congratulations.
A beautiful finish! I especially like the border design.
I'm definitely voting to give you the gold! Your quilt is pure beauty!!I love it all: the colors, the pattern, the workmanship, the detail. You have a masterpiece, for sure. How long have you worked on this? Maybe I should peruse your blog a bit more closely to find info on this quilt, i.e. pattern, machine- or hand-done, etc.
Definitely a GOLD medal winner in my book!
What a beautiful finish!!
I feel almost like we're in Olympics withdrawal -- those were fabulous Games and oh, so exciting as the medals mounted up!
Yes you should get a GOLD another one for Canada! Yea! I'm newer at quilting and you there was a lose of 5.5 by 5.5 do we always lose when its quilted. I just never noticed. I've only have a few done and I never checked. Love your quilt and like to see you machine and hand quilt on the same quilt. Love your blog.
I definitely award YOU the gold medal for the Dresden quilt - it is gorgeous!!!
Hi, thanks for the tips. That was a great help to me.I really like this blog, It's always nice when you can not only be informed, but also get knowledge, from these type of blog, nice entry. Thanks
I know what you mean. that is the reason why I never catch the closing.
thank god i still have the champions league and american idol to look forward to.
do you also feel sad when you have a finished. I always delay attaching the binding because after that, its going out the door (now that am working on commissioned quilts or for friends).
Your quilt is just wonderful.
I have enjoyed watching the olympics.......
your dresdan quilt looks gorgeous.........gold medal.......
What a delight to wake to you my friend. Canada did a wonderful, amazing job for the Olympics and you put your Country on grand display for all to see.
You definitely CAN CLAIM A GOLD for this one - even Ashes agrees! Oh my friend, what an amazing quilt. I so want to be like you when I grow up. Your work is such a delight.
Let me add that I truly delight in the border work. It's sweet!
This is definitely a Gold! Beautifully done!
I miss the games too!
fabulous finish - congratulations!
It seemed like the Olympics went by way to fast.
Your quilt is so very pretty.
Dear Rose Marie, your quilt is absolutely breathtaking, dear ! Heartful congratulations... AND that border ! OMG, I'm in love with it ! ;>)
THANKS for showing, and THANKS for the inspiration I find, each time I'm visiting your blog.
Oh we were cheering on this side of the Atlantic too...can't believe it is all over...It was amazing to watch...especially that final hockey game between Canada and the US!!
You have a lovely finish there too...I definitely think you deserve gold!
Wow...that is definitely a gold medal quilt...should get the silver and bronze to boot. Very nice.
Oh! So lovely! What a beautiful quilt! Love the details.
The quilt is beautiful. Love your border.
Thank you for stopping by my KalamaQuilts blog this morning. The quilt I'm working on is my pattern for the sashing and whatever cornerstones I come up with, the 6" blocks are from a book shown a few posts down the page.
Happy Quilting, Sharyn
That is absolutely beautiful - I agree - a GOLD for you :o)
my god that dresden is beautiful!
Yes here you have your gold medal. Another one for Canada :)
It's gorgeous! Great job! I mostly watched the TV and didn't get much done on my quilting throughout the olympics :(
Did you make these blocks using quilt-as-you-go?
It's definately a gold medal finish!
I love your quilt and I think the quilting is wonderful. Gold all the way!
It's over, but it was oh so fun to watch ;o)
And what a gorgeous quilt you finished while watching!!! It is absolutely fabulous! Congratulations and enjoy!
It is beautiful, you did a wonderful job! The gold metal goes to you!!
I LOVE baby Ashes, and I also love your dresdan plates and fans!!! Such nice work!
Wow just liked your work.
Work from home india
You do such beautiful work. check out my blog
Your Dreseden Plate is gorgeous. And your cat is adorable. I love how relaxed she is all sprawled out on the couch.
lovely dresden plate. quilting is gorgeous.
What a truly beautiful quilt. I love the way you machine and hand quilt - food for thought!
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