I showed it to Debra, she knew exactly what should be done …. it was staring me in the face all this time. She said (Oh, wise woman) to replicate the fussy cut flower in the 9-patch. Oh, my …. what an idiot I am ….
Merrily, I went doing my appliquĂ© and making some more adjustments to the placement … until finally it was done. How happy I was! Note the ‘was’ word here.
The top was finally ready for sandwiching, but first I drew my quilting lines using Crayola washable markers. I was not happy with the quilting lines, so a quick wash and dry and start all over again was in order. This is where I became a very unhappy woman.
Finally, I pulled OXY GEN out and using full strength, let my top soak overnight in their solution.
Eureka! It worked like a charm. Those ugly yellow lines are gone, gone, gone! I thought for sure that this top was a candidate for the garbage bin, but not now! :o)
Now, I will re-mark my quilting lines using Crayola and then I can finally get this UFO quilted and done.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
P.S. The same Clover pen was used on my Joseph’s Coat and those lines disappeared just fine. Why? Is it the material that is causing this problem? For my Joseph’s Coat, I used Moda muslin and for this top, I used Kona cotton. Both cottons were pre-washed and dried removing any chemicals. It is indeed, a mystery.
It could be the finish on the fabrics is different,one holds the colour and the other doesn't.
It looks awesome though, and thanks for the idea of using Crayola washables, I have a bazillion of them because of Little Bit
Whew! so glad it all worked out. I love how you used the nine patch flower for a focal point. Beautiful!
Lucky save on your wall hanging. I have never had a problem with the blue marker but you are supposed to test it on each fabric. Guess I am lazy as I never do that. I have heard that you should not mark the fabric and then let it sit in the sunlight.
I swear by my OxyClean!! Love it! A PERMANENT black felt pen leaked in my new pale yellow rain jacket and left a 5 inch stain by the pocket...soaked it for a couple of days in oxyclean and it came right out!! Amazing! I live by it! I could do a commercial! Now so can you! Glad it all worked out!
The words were in your post "a quick wash and dry". Don't ever, ever, never use soap with a blue washable marker. Plain ole water does it. Speaking from experience here.
Wow...that is amazing and SAVED THE DAY!....I just might have to buy some of that!!
I am so glad to hear that your quilt is saved. It does give me pause about using the Clover Blue Markers, though. Just the faulty customer service when someone is having a hard time, is enough to make me seriously suspect!
Good tip about the Crayola markers! I will try those.
Oh boy I bet that really had you in a tizzie! I know I would be frustrated.
I have not ever had the pen come out.
Did you do any ironing while the blue pen was still on the fabric? Maybe it was set a little. That is strange.
I would of never thought of using Crayola markers. I have a whole box of there pipsqueaks washables and I though why do I have these well noe I know thats for the wonderful info. I'm gald to see you were able to save you quilt.
Had you ironed the block after using the pen on it? I wonder if it somehow got set that way?
As to Clover's lack of customer service -- well, that would stop me in my tracks from using their product and I'd stick to the washable Crayolas!
Glad you got it out -- 'cause that is gorgeous!
That's so pretty, Deb's idea was great! I'm wary of markers as I have heard of a few horror tales.
Ironing could be the culprit, but I do know Kona Cotton is very different than any other cottons. At least you got those yellow lines out!
Are the crayola washables just the basic ones in the school supplies at Walmart? The same ones my kids use to color with??
I'm so happy this turned out for you Rose Marie!
I ahve had problems with pens before and I am not sure if it was a particular brand or not.........I had washed the quilt quickly by hand and dried and folded and wrapped and someone came and I unwrapped the quilt to find all those marks where the texta had been......not happy.........I have used these for years and never a problem.........anyway like you some soaker in with it and all came out well.......
Good save!
I've had problems before, too - so pleased you found a solution - a bit scary, isn't it?
Hugs - Lurline♥
What a dilemma with the marking pen! I am so glad you got it out! It is gonna be a darling quilt!
LOL.. all that for a little applique!! thanks for vouching that I would only use pencil..yet I heard some people have had problems with pencil..too..lucky me (touch wood)
Rosemarie it turned out excellent can't wait to see your quilting design on it next!!
always learning from you wonderful bloggers
Rose Marie I am so pleased the marker came out....I always use a green pen to do my stitcheries and I have found that one fabric I use I have a problem removing the pen and I must soak it longer to remove my marks and on any other fabric it just rinses out...so pleased you didn't have to bin it, it is just so lovely.
Thank goodness you were able to wash out those yellow markings!! It would have been a real shame if the lovely hanging was ruined!
Those pens are a bit scary! I use them, but are just as nervous every time - even if I have tested a small piece of the fabrics I've used in the quilt. When I did my feathered star quilt last december I spritzed out all the markings, and it looked great from the front - turned the quilt over and found the back was covered in blue blotches - it hadn't disappeard as the packaging claims, just soaked through...
The applique flower is great, where would we be without friends and their input? Beautiful! I use oxyclean, too, as I see Paulette also suggests. I'm so glad to have you at happy again! :-}
I am glad you could work this out. I love the look of the top it is so bright and "clean".
Hi Rose Marie
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment on my 2 year blog birthday. Thanks for the cleaning tip too!
Hugs, Rhondi
I recently used the wash out blue marker and I spray misted it with plan cold water after finishing each section. Then layed it to dry unde the ceiling fan over night. I also used a Crayola washable kids marker for the borders and I washed it out in the washing machine after I finished the quilt. All came out just with my laundry detergent. I think the key is plain cold water before the laundry detergents and no heat at all. I also checked it before I dried it in the dryer to make sure everything had come out. Frustrating when it happens but lesson learned and all ends well. Chris
Always be careful with any disappearing or water soluable inks. And never iron them. I think I'll be sticking to tailors chalk as often as I can myself. I try to only use marker pens where I know it won't be on the front of a quilt. I learnt my lesson with a few large embroidery projects - I still haven't got some marks completely out of my Goldwork projects >_>
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