I wanted to take photos of this quilt down at Scarborough Bluffs where Jennifer and her DH and I went for a walk a few weeks ago. Today, it was too sunny for photos and too breezy. There will be another photo opportunity with another quilt.
Have a great day!
Pattern source: EQ6. Quilt size: 72-1/2" x 94" (top size before quilting 76" x 100").
Edit Nov.13,2009 - there is a slight bleed out with some of the blocks, so when you wash your quilt, use a product that will help absorb any excess dye.
Also, a couple of the signature blocks washed out the writing and some others faded a lot. Advice .... take photos of your blocks and then if any writing washes out, you can re-write the info. on the blocks.
What a delightful setting and such beautiful quilting - as always my friend, as always. I really like your happy label block, too.
Your quilts never fail to light up my imagination.
It's wonderful, I love it. Congratulations on your stellar finish. Great idea for the label.
It looks terrific! One down, how many more to go......*grin*
I love the setting you have done. I think I can pick out my block: it is pink and brown with hearts on the siggie portion. Is that one mine or somebody elses?
I love the cross-hatch quilting in the border - really lovely ! Well done - onwards - lol !!
Just gorgeous!
love the setting..now i can't wait to get my siggie blocks back from the swap..
Julia ♥
A gorgeous quilt - love the setting and it looks so different to the usual run of the mill!
Hugs - Lurline♥
yay UFOs becomming FO's!
I will have to send you pics via email as to the project im working on...cant post it up on the internet yet....dont want my friend seeing it before the holidays
Rose Marie, It is just beautiful!! The block label is the perfect finish.
You did a great job. Its funny I was in that swap and my eyes was able to find my block right away. I ahve not been able to think about it so its nice to see someone done.
It looks wonderful! What a great signature quilt.
Well done, what a lovely quilt.
Very nice quilt...when I looked at the second picture, your cute stripey binding looked like colorful spools of thread to me!!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
It´s beautiful, did you handquilt the border?
Just love it, love it!! I know you must really like it too.
VERY nice Rose Marie!
Love your quilt. I am looking forward to getting some signature blocks soon. I like the idea of making the label as one of the blocks.
Good for you! The quilt is wonderful and your UFO list is a bit shorter.
Absolutely beautiful! I love what you did with the blocks.
Your Siggie Quilt turned out very nice, I just finished a red one also and I´m very fond of it. I like to look at all the little blocks that I had received from all over the world. Yours really looks great!
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