Every now and then, there comes a time when a person just has to buckle down and do a bit of sorting ..... and my studio needs a wee bit of tidying up! :o)
I bought some new boxes to store my stash and they sure have made a difference .... they hold a lot more fabric than what was there before!!!! Now, no more spilling out of the basket and onto the floor. Seriously, they do help to make my studio look a bit more organized and cleaner looking.
Mmmmm ... perhaps my stash is telling me something. Anyway, a good sort is what will be going on this week in my studio.

During my travels, I bought a couple of stamped pillowcases for embroidery. I haven't done any pillowcases for half a century and thought it was about time to do some more. Half a century .... did that catch your attention? :o) When I was very young, my Mom started me with embroidery and knitting and they were crafts that I caught onto very quickly. I was quite proud of my embroidery and I am enjoying this pattern and the work is coming along very nicely.
Have a great day!
Hi I'm glad to see that we all have lots of stuff. Its great to see what other people have done to there sewing room and how they organized there stash. I anly wish to have a room that size. Don't work to hard.
Pretty embroidery!
Yes just a little tidy up is needed in your sewing room *LOL* It can be seen that you are working in there!
Very nice embroidery. And yes, half a century caught my eye. My first thought was "How old is she?" and then I remembered half a century just sounds old. Are you the top half or the bottom half? Which is which?
We must be playing sewing room tag at the moment, it's great to see that we all make a mess, it must have something to do with creativity. I love the sweet embroidery.
I haven't done embroidered pillow cases since I was a kid. How delightful that you have started on some.
Sorting and straightening of the studio is always fun. You sometimes find things that you haven't seen in a while and it just becomes and inspiration. Love the stitching you are doing!
I too have a studio that needs to have some elbow grease applied to it. Love the embroidery! I learned to embroider when I was a child too.
Cute pillowcases. I have learned to appreciate the embroidered pillowcases so much more now than I used to. I still have some that were given to me when I married 35 years ago, and at the time, I though ho hum....but now I love them! I guess we do get wiser with age.
What a pretty pillowcase! I have some made by one of my great-aunts, I shall get them out and use them.
That pillow slip looks beautiful.
Half a Century did catch my attention. I thought "She's pulling our legs."
Very pretty embroidery. I'm loving that. Enjoy the efforts cleaning up and sorting out. Looking forward to the after photos. I'm sure Hank and Ashes are in there somewhere!
Time to tidy and then start a new project. Love your embroidery. My grandma taught me when I was a girl. Still on of my favorite things to do.
Those pillowcases are so pretty! I also was taught embroidery at least half a century ago, and have taken it up again and still enjoy it.
All looks good and normal to me, lol, a creative mind and hands at work creates a bit of messy! Lovely needle work. And a big hello! Haven't chatted with you in a while. :o)
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