I’m not sure about my borders for my hexagon quilt. I think they are OK, but are they? I was not looking for a sharp contrast but a gradual contrast and perhaps this is it. My vision is a perennial flower bed where you go from the tallest flowers in the background, to a border of some kind in the front and then onto the grass. Have I achieved the look?
My original plan was to have a lighter fabric for the border and do applique. The plan just didn't work for me at all, so that idea was scrapped and this is Plan B.

On another note, Ashes refused to budge from this spot while some cutting was going on. She wanted her supper time treat and I was a bit tardy in giving it to her. Engrossed on a mission to get at least one complete border on one edge, time just slipped on by. So, on strike, she went.
I love your hexagon quilt, and the border looks just fine to me. And don´t you just love your cat when she does things like that?
For what it is worth, I am not so much a fan of the narrow inner border. Not that I would be able to pick a border for a charm style quilt... My brain really wants to see only hexagons.
There is miss gogo boots... :o)
I think you achieved it!! It is gorgeous.
I think the border is great. It doesn't take away from the pattern of the quilt. Love the kitty.
I love the border work. In contrast to Amy, I like narrow inner borders. So there, we balance one another out. ;) I love the garden of hexagons. It seems like it bloomed in a quick moment.
Ashes! You're so funny there lying in the middle of the table. You're also extremely beautiful. That said, we aren't making a make-shift feeding station in the middle of the cutting table you bad little kitty YOU!
I like it too - it is beautiful - well done.
It's amazing. I do love it!
I love your quilt but I am not sure the narrow border is working for me. Maybe something from one of the flowers instead of so white.
I think that the border does exactly what you set out to achieve. I don't know that you need to change it at all. Simply lovely!
I think you have done a wonderful job! It is so very pretty!
That's a pretty, border, and it continues the "English cottage garden" feel of the rest of the quilt. Perhaps Ashes was waiting for a pedicure with the rotary cutter?
I admire your hexagon quilt and think you did a beauty of a job. I just don't think the border, as pretty a border as it is with the inner border, doesn't do anything for the quilt. I don't always put borders on my quilts, especially scrappy ones. Hmmm...I do like the green though, as see what you are achieving with the grass - maybe use a small inner border of light green and the outer border of a couple shades darker. But really, just as you have it, it is a lovely quilt.
It looks great. You have been busy.
I like what I see. Great quilt. I really need to get back on mine, it has been in the works for 3+ years now.
Hi!I like it too. Very beautiful.
I from in Turkey.
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