Not much quilting this past week ….. DH and I were out buying furniture at IKEA. I just love the cottagey look and our new bookcases fit right in with my quilts and quilt ladder.
This is the view when you walk into our home.

The view from my chair. Not bad, eh?

There is still painting to be done (walls, baseboards and coffee table), but this is a good start. Company was coming this weekend and there was no time to clean the crystal before transferring them to these cabinets. When we move these out to paint, I will do some purging and clean then. We just wanted to get these assembled and the old pieces donated before the weekend.
Good Morning Rose Marie, I finally got your quilt posted at the Orphan Train. Sorry for the delay, I seem to be behind in everything lately *VBS* It's a beautiful quilt! Thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs, Finn
Looks wonderful, love the quilt hanging on the wall as well.
Wow everything looks so great. We just got an IKEA store in our area, but not sure if it is open yet. Will have to check it out!
We have a new Ikea store in our area that I hope to visit in May. Love your new furniture and yes, you have an excellent view of some beautiful quilt.s
Wow! that looks great!! nice way to celebrate spring shopping and home decorating
The view is awesome and the quilt on the wall looks beautiful.
Looks great and I know it has to brighten up your room. I have got to get to IKEA, one just openend up not too far from me.
I love this. It has so many possibilities. And all the quilts on the rack or even on the wall - perfect.
...on two little ones missing... *wink~wink*
I looks amazing!!!
Well I meant IT looks amazing....Sweetheart assures me I look amazing too!!!
Everything looks great! Love the new shelving, and the quilt ladder.
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