Not bad, eh, for my first time!
Wow …. Did we ever get snow yesterday! Our nephew traveled from Montreal by train and we could not use our car (cars were getting stuck in the snow on our street) to pick him up at the station. We walked there and back. With the wind chill, it was -20C. It was good exercise and put colour in our cheeks. Today, it is digging out time!
Have a great day!
Good work on the meander. I am going to try some on my next quilt. I have done it before but not on the frame. Where does meander end and stippling start???
I think I'm too impatient with myself to do meandering. I get frustrated if it isn't perfect.... -20 oh my now that's cold.
You have been clever! It isn't so easy, I know! Now it is practise, practise, practise....! LOL Good luck!
I enjoy doing meandering on the longarm but have never attempted domestic machine quilting. Keep warm!
We love it when you play! Good work.
Whew, its chilly up your way. You walked to the station to get your nephew? Golly, that's a frozen folks welcome if I ever heard of one! :>
BRRRR it´s cold out there. I think your quilting is great as all your work is.
You did a fine job with that meandering. I think you are a natural! My meandering doesn't look that good, but I keep trying. LOL, too stubborn to give it up in defeat.
How cold is -20C
Your meander quilting looks great!
love meander quilting, do it all the time, very relaxing....
It's looking sooo great! I love meander quilting, and you've done a wonderful job! Keep practicing and have fun :o)
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