When I’m working on this quilt, my hand frequently reaches out to touch the completed areas. What is it about the feel of the fabric and the quilting that tempts me to touch and touch again? When I see photos of quilted beauties (done by hand or machine) on your blogs, I wish I could reach into the computer and run my hand over the quilting. Those photos draw me in every time.
I’ve been struggling to get this quilt completed and the more I work on it, its' beauty is revealed and I am determined to finish it soon! My goal is to do at least one block a day, some days I can accomplish 3 blocks … only 42 blocks and the borders to do. The New Year for sure, that is my goal.
Have a great day!
I agree that there is something about touching fabric that brings me joy and a feeling of tranquility. I know there are days when I am feeling less than happy and a trip to the LQS just to look at all the colors and to touch the fabric on the bolt is all I need to lift my spirits. I don't even have to buy anything to feel better!
Now, you would think I could do the same thing by opening the cabinet where all my fabric is stored, but that isn't always so.
Beautiful quilt and lovely quilting!
When hand quilting, I feel just that way too. Touching, stroking, I can´t help it. I love to see the 3 layers becoming a quilt as I quilt along.
I would not mind snuggling under your quilt too. It looks so cosy and the quilting is wonderful.
Take care.
I've not tried hand quilting yet, I keep wondering.......May have to get myself a big hoop.
I have a hand quilted project that I started a year ago in Oct. Maybe I should get back at it. Quilting is certainly tactile, hence the white gloves at quilt shows. It's just not the same with glove on though is it.
beautiful quilt. Your hand quiling is lovely.
Have you noticed that even though you piece or applique and then quilt it by machine or hand, that for some reason, the hand quilting gives such a feeling of satisfaction on a job well done?
Your hand quilting is fantastic! I love it.
I completely agree, it feels great to run your hands over the finished blocks. I so enjoy it.
I'm just not as fast as you. I'm on the slow boat when it comes to finishing my hand quiling projects. But they are HERE and I am working on them. Slowly...
It's just beautiful. And yep -- though it isn't just quilting that does it for me. It's fabric in general -- and why quilt shops are so darned dangerous. I love just touching all of the fabrics -- the textures, the weight, the hand, and hte color under my fingertips. Yummy! (and don't even get me started on yarns)
Geesh but this is pretty! I love to be snuggled in a quilt while stitching on it, watching it come to life as I quilt. And it is indeed very calming. Good therapy!
It is so beautiful, I agree there is something satisfying about touching a quilt.
This is another true beauty, Rose Marie! I wish I could reach out my hand and touch it :o) You se, I recognise the feeling your describe! Touching fabrics is the best, and the feeling is even better when you get to touch a quilt - my blue and white... I keep going back to those already quilted areas, stroking them over and over :o) Enjoy the feeling, and way to go on quilting!
I have a great deal of admiration for those who can hand quilt! I think there is something about hand quilting that allows you to slow down and enjoy the process that is missing from machine quilting. Having said that, I am not a hand quilter and never see myself in that role! I just can't seem to get the rhythm of hand quilting perfected. I will remain a machine quilter for some time to come!
I almost feel the touch of your quilt here. I just love hand quilting pictures.
You and your gorgeous quilts are such an inspiration to me. Texture and the dense quilting you create...it is awesome.
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