Thursday, January 30, 2025

January and February Goals

It has been a while since I last posted, but I have been busy.  My computer is old (like me ... LOL) and is giving me a bit of grief every now and then.  I know that a new computer needs to be bought, but darn it, I like this one and to learn new computer functions is not enticing me to go out and buy one.  If it ain't broke, don't change it!  You know what I mean!

Also, I'm busy doing other things now around the house and don't have as much time to sew as in the past few years.  Life happens and I have to go with the flow.

Anyway, my January goals for the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge have been met and then some.  Two tops completed.

First one is "Scrappy Xmas Trees" by Coriander Quilts.

This one is a scrappy log cabin.  I have no idea where this pattern came from.  It was started back in 2014 thereabouts.

Row 9 was added to my Chevron Log Cabin quilt-as-you-go quilt and Row 10 has been started.  This will be my goal to finish Row 10 for February.
Also, for finishing into completed tops will be these two projects.  The one on the left is "Unallocated" by Michelle McKillop and the one on the right is a scrappy bargello by Bonnie Hunter.  The difference with this bargello is that the rows continue all the way across the width.  I just had to do some math to make sure that there was enough fabric to go all the way across.  This is more of a controlled version.  I've been dipping into scraps and stash to make these two projects.
Our winter has been very cold lately and you know it when going out into public people are complaining about the cold.  With the snow and the cold weather, ice fishing has started and there are all kinds of huts out on our lake.  Also, our ski hill is open and I can see people coming down on skiis or snowboards as I drive by the hill.  Oh yes, winter is definitely here until we get a thaw and the snow and ice start to melt.

The deer have been visiting our garden in the front yard looking for food.  They were here last year and remember a certain shrub and are back again to chew down on it for food.  If they were to venture into the back yard, there are two more of that same shrub that they can eat.
Cherish your day, cherish your life, cherish your country!


cityquilter grace said...

excellent progress on many pretty things...warming here finally...spring isn't too far off...about six will get confirmation when groundhog day comes...LOL

loulee said...

For someone who says she has not much time to sew you have done loads. Love your Christmas trees and you know I also love to see your QAYG hexies. That bargello looks interesting, I'll look forward to seeing more of that one.

Jennifer said...

Love your scrappy Christmas trees! Good progress on your other projects, too. That is a heap load of snow, I would gladly swap some for some of our heat....although today is not as bad, fortunately.

Lin said...

Lovely finished tops and great progress on all your projects. That snow looks delightful - probably because we have not had any this year lol. xx

Maria said...

Lovely tops and your snow looks so cool… very hot here in Aussie.