Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do you know where your needles are?

One member of my night quilters' guild certainly does. 

Are you, like me, guilty of leaving your pins and needles pinned onto the arm rest of your chair?  Yes?

Well, last night after coming home from my guild meeting, all my pins and needles were removed and placed into a needle keep and I have, not one, but two pin cushions handy by my chair.  That is where they will go from now on.

What prompted this?

Last night, lovely Karin regaled us with a 'tell' part of our show and tell.  Although it was hilarious, there was a serious side to her tale.  Recently, Karin started to feel something in her butt.  It was short, thin and stiff and it was bothering her a little bit.  So, off to the doctor she went.  He sent her for an ultrasound.  The technician said, after looking at the ultrasound, "I've never seen anything like this before".  She called in a doctor.  The doctor looked and said, "I've never seen anything like this before".   So, off she went to have an x-ray.  After the x-ray was taken, the doctor called her into the little room off to the side and showed her the x-ray.  The doctor says "I think it might be a needle."  Karin asks how would he think that?  By the head on the needle the doctor replied.  To be exact, a #10 Milliners needle is stuck in Karin's butt.  She will have to have it surgically removed next month.  It is possible the needle has been there for a few months because it has not rusted nor broken up into smaller pieces.  Karin doesn't remember sitting on it and never felt a thing until lately.

Needless to say, her story was the butt of many jokes at the hospital.

I laughed until I had tears in my eyes as she regaled us with her tale.  Too funny. 

That is why, all my pins and needles are now off my arm rest and in a pin cushion and needle keep.

What about you?

Have a great day!


BillieBee (billiemick) said...


Ellen said...

That is too funny!! I am always afraid that I will drop one on the carpet and that one of my pups will step on it. I do use a pin cushion but sometimes, somehow when I am working, a needle or pin will go missing.

julieQ said...

Oh my...well. that cured me! I have done the same thing forever! I don't think I store any needles in the rear compartment, however, LOL!!

*kd. said...

That's quite a story! I've kept my needles close ever since one of our fellow bloggers had a cat swallow a needle/pin. It might have even been out of the pincushion, I don't recall, but ever since I've made an effort to keep 'em in keep!!!

Jennifer said...

Oh dear, you would think it might have hurt when it was going in.......even just a little bit? At least it will be removed, and Karin has learnt one of Life's Little Lessons.

Deanna W said...

Karin does have a way of telling a story. Funny yes but serious.Always a lesson to be learned at guild meetings even if they don't have anything to do with actually sewing!

Julierose said...

YIKES!! Needle books for me after hearing this one!! Julierose

Julie Fukuda said...

Pins often escape into my chair and sofa while I am working, and there have been times (plural) I have found them by sitting on them. Needles ... when I find one I like, it is always ready to be used in my needle book. That is a funny tale (or tail, as the case may be).

Dolores said...

I have several 'hats' for pincushions that my children bought for me years ago from their school fair and I use them. The only things that go into the arm of the couch may be pins but I try really hard not to do that because I have two cats and would hate for them to get hurt. It is a great story to bring home the fact of what CAN happen.

QuiltSue said...

Oww. As someone who lost a needle just yesterday, I am now worried.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh Dear!!!

Stitching Noni said...

Ouch!!! Thank goodness I usually put my needles on my needle minder... But I have occasionally dropped one down the side of the sofa!!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

My mom had a needle that got into her foot without knowing! It then became infected and she had to have it cut out. For that reason, I have always been good about using pincushions, and if I drop one I don't stop looking till I find it.