Sunday, February 10, 2013

A different kind of sewing

Lately, I've been busy doing some re-upholstery pieces and there are a few more things to be fixed.

First up, this storage box was picked up at a thrift store for $10.  We've seen it there for over a month and if things linger there too long, it gets trashed.  I saw the needlework and just knew that it was coming home with me.  Whoever did the work, would not have been pleased to see it in the garbage.  Now that it has been washed and dried, I'll keep the needlework for something else. 


After a good cleanup, the upholstery was started and after half a day of work, it was done.  It will provide extra storage and we always need extra storage, don't we!  One thing I've done was to coat the corners of the box with Vicks Rub (learned about this on Pinterest) to keep the girls from using it as a scratching post.  So far, they have stayed away from it.  The cost for this project was $10 (for the box) plus $5 for the fabric.  The scrap batting came from my stash and we reused all the hardware. We could not have made this from scratch for $15.  This was a great find.
Next up is this chair.  The foam has been bought and the fabric is coming from my stash.
My friends Debra and Mary (of my We 3 Quilters group) are coming in less than 2 weeks for a visit and I need to have my studio cozy and comfortable for them.  Debra gave me this chair before we moved and it has been sitting unfinished since then.  Shame on me! 
I do have borders on my school house top, but want to surprise them before posting about it.  So, stayed tuned for that in a few weeks.
Have a great day!


*kd. said...

Oh you of many talents! I didn't know you could upholster, too. (…and I just learned I didn't know how to spell upholster so this is a very educational post) I love the idea about the Vick Rub. That's clever!

Jennifer said...

You have done a great job of re-purposing that stool! Now it's a useful piece of furniture. I didn't know about the Vicks Rub idea but will certainly try it.....does it leave greasy marks?

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Great idea...