Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tin surprise

What is in the tin? Oodles and oodles of baskets .... you will have to wait and see what they turn into.
When I look at the photo with the basket blocks, it reminds me of an article in one of the older magazines about a woman who was going through some rough times as she made blocks and added them to a lard can. Many years later, her relatives made quilts out of those blocks in the can.
Usually, I pin my blocks to my design wall to see how it is coming along and what colours are missing (my basket quilt will be scrappy) .... but for some unknown reason, I just keep making these blocks and adding them to this tin. Could it be that article is subconsciously making me do the same thing?
There are only about 25 more blocks to make and then I can start pinning them to my wall.
Have a great day!


Karen said...

Well, that is interesting. A lard can. I do think this has influenced you in storing the basket blocks in your tin. It will be interesting to see what you do with the blocks. Or maybe you should pass the tin along with the contents!

Bia Cardeal said...

Hello, Rose Marie!

The blocks are beautiful, I love baskets! Your quilt will be very nice indeed!
I live in Brazil and I love Canada! One day I would live in their country, are my plans and my family. Maybe one day we will still know and be able to see your quilt basket!
Sorry, but I am using a translator program to talk with you!
Hugs and good quilts!

Bia Cardeal

Mary Lou Casada said...

I'm putting on my "dream interpreter" hat, now, to say that subconsciously you are wanting to send those gorgeous basket blocks AND their lovely tin to a fellow quilter!! Hmmm...who could it be!?! LOL! There's something about combining cool containers (baskets, tins, tubs, etc!) with quilts that just FITS, you know!? And you're much too prolific to leave something so precious undone. Quilt on!

Darlene said...

Your tin is full of goodness and beauty. Can't wait to see your progress.

Jennifer said...

Making blocks is fine....they don't even have to turn into a quilt, you know.....just enjoy the process. I have a hand-pieced project which has been on the go for a few years now, and I am just enjoying the journey rather than worrying about getting to the destination.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer said it very well.
The blocks in the tin are always a source of inspiration.
I love your basket blocks and one day I'll have a go too.

Janet said...

What a lovely thing to do, I'd like a tin of blocks, all I'd have to do is dig out those baskets, where could they be?

Chookyblue...... said...

the blocks look lovely.......would be a nice surprise when you open them all out to see what you find in the bundle..........

Sandra said...

In my opinion, tins are a link to the past. My grandmother always stored her sewing supplies in tins. When I would visit, she would open the lid to show me the latest project she was working on...much like your post today. Now I'm the grandmother and hope someday to inspire my grandchildren's creativity the same way. Thanks for jogging my memory:)

Anne Heidi said...

Such beautiful blocks in a pretty tin :)

Carrie P. said...

boy, you sure have made a lot so far. I love all kinds of basket blocks.

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

Great site! I am doing a Basket Quilt to. I just keep making more, and more and more! I thinkI need about 300 5" blocks! PHEW!!

Teresa said...

Pretty blocks and fun to see them spread out.