During my blog break, I have been busy assessing all my projects and doing some purging and sorting in my studio. Good golly, what a job this has been!
At the far end of my studio, there was a design wall that hung in front of these doors and has since been removed (it can quickly be put back up when needed). It was difficult to get into that storage area which has now been sorted through and reorganized. As you can see by the stuff on my cutting table, I still have a ways to go .... yikes .....

New shelves were purchased and my projects labelled. This is looking at the left hand side of the storage area.

The middle section holds bins and more bins of wool for knitting. I still have to go through them and do a big purge. I will still keep some wool, but not this much.

On the right hand side, new shelves holding .... more projects ..... that need to be labelled. Why am I labelling them? It will be easier to find a project quickly at a glance.

All of my projects used to be stored on these shelves (as well as underneath my cutting table) that are now covered with fabric curtains to keep out the dust. One of these days, proper curtains will be made (must remember to look at the thrift store) so that my storage areas will look better.

When I fold back the fabric curtains, all of my repro fabric (civil and 1930's) are on the shelves and sorted by colour. Now, I can easily see what is there. On top of the shelves, in the white boxes are fabrics sorted by colours. My roll of batting is sitting beside the shelves. The bright orange thing that you can see is a piece of wood that acts as a walkway from the shelves to a window so that my girls can check what is going on outside. :o)

Here is another set of shelves. The white bins hold fabrics sorted by colour.

Behind the white fabric curtain are my neutrals and backings.

So, while I've been busy doing my best to clean up ...... Ashes is doing her best to undo a piece of plastic that I taped to my printer to keep out cat hair. Way to go, girl! :o)

It has not been all work .... I've been doing applique, too. With my klosjes project, there are only 7 more to make but a lot more blocks for the outsideborders still to do.

Doing this major sort has been quite the eye opener for me. There are way to many projects started and not completed. I have been pondering about keeping my blog. My blog break has shown me that:
a) I enjoy sharing my projects and my knowledge with you
b) too much time was spent on the computer
c) quilting is my passion but blogging has taken me away from what I love to do.
In order for me to continue blogging, I've decided that less time will be spent on the computer. Therefore, replying to your lovely comments will not happen all the time. I hope that you will understand my decision and not be offended if I don't keep up with proper blog etiquette. I won't be posting on any regular basis either.
So on that note, have a good week!
That was a fun post to read :)
So glad you plan to continue to keep blogging...just post whenever you can...it's a guilt/pressure free zone!
Love that quilt you are working on...the border is amazing!
I loved this post too! Your spools are beautiful. Blog etiquette aside, keep blogging whenever you feel you can. I agree about the computer time....I need to take a cue from you.
All that organising takes time doesn't it? It's so easy to let things get to the stage where organising is needed and such a big job to do it. Nice to see Ashes 'helping'!
I think we all go through the guilt thing if we don't post regularly, but why? Most of us blog for our own enjoyment after all, so we should do it as and when (and how) we want.
finding the balance is what we all need to do.,
I would miss your blog if you stopped.
but I totally understand.
I did a major clean out in May/June its nice working in a clean space and having the projects I want to work on and finish.
I was happy to donate the rest to friends and a local charity that makes quilts for Habitat for Humanity
Not offended at all. It's nice that you'll still be sharing with us but we bloggers know all about the computer. You have a stash to be proud of, I had a mini clear up and spent a long time searching for a fabric I put away, I still haven't found it. It probably means I havce too much stuff.
I adore your klosjes quilt, I'd be over the moon if I'd mad one like that. It's gorgeous.
I'm glad you're going to continue blogging -- I'd miss seeing your beautiful quilts.
Wow -- you have an amazing stash!
I can't imagine your undertaking. It looks wonderful.
I am glad you are going to continue blogging as I have gotten some very good ideas and techniques from following your blog. I certainly do understand,thought and that I why I came up with a blog reading schedule. i can usually read the day blogs in 30 min or less and then I post once a week, unless I have something I just have to say or bust. Thanks for the tour of your area - looks like a fun place to play!
Never offended - I'm just glad you're going to continue your blog. This was a fun post, Rose Marie.
Finding the balance to do everything we want or need to do is very difficult - we do what we can when we can. :-)
Great organizing work......Ihad to do some also after a friend wanted some specific fabrics in this den of iniquity and we had to clear the floor on both sides at the back of the cutting table to find them. We dumped them into the dining area and then I had to struggle through bronchitis to put the darn things away.......oh joy.
But Moggie has not found the printer...probably because I have so much on it.
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