Since putting this quilt on the bed, I have noticed that Ashes doesn’t like to sleep right on top of the quilt. Why …. I don’t know? Instead, she sleeps on my afghan. I wonder if it is the white backing that she doesn’t like.
BTW, this is the back of this quilt from an older post.

That is what I like …. to be able to use both the front and back of a quilt. There is so much hand quilting which you really can’t see on the front but shows very well on the back of this quilt.
A number of years ago, I took a class on how to make a whole cloth and one of these days, I will get out my tools and start to draft a design so that there will be a real whole cloth on my bed. For now, this works for me.
Have a great day!
Perhaps the afghan is warmer or Ashes likes the texture of it better.
It's nice and fantastic!!!
It's very big!!
oh I just love this quilt. That is a great idea to be able to use both sides. Lovely!
Both sides of the quilt are very pretty. And I wonder if the cat finds the afghan softer to lay on. I don't know much about cats.
What a beautiful treasure. I am sitting here in awe at the stick-to-it nature of you. When folks talk about being a "finisher" with their work I'm thinking "like my friend Rose Marie?" Personally, I'm not and even if I didn't have MS I wouldn't be. I know that about myself. I'm cool with that... I think. ;)
On the more serious note of cat preferences, fascinating. With all quilts or just this one? Kanga-under-your-feet and Kipling always prefer Afghans. Kipling's sidebar name: "Kippy Afghani." Kingston ~ Can't ever find that cat to ask him but I'll make it my newest mission in life.
Wow, that is wonderful, two quilts in one, just turn over if you tire of one side.
that's a gorgeous quilt. very well done!
What a awesome quilt.
Maybe your kitty likes a little bit more padding.
Ashes recognizes the beauty of it and knows it is a "look but don't touch" quilt!
I am doing the same thing with my pink and brown. I picked the designs on the front to look like a whole cloth on the back.
I'd say the cat is enjoying the wool. Your quilting is just gorgeous, I love that you use both sides. It would cut down on fading too.
That is a beautiful quilt! We have found that it doesn't matter what is left on the bed....a shirt, jeans, socks, whatever....the cat will always sleep on that by preference and leave the bedspread alone.
It's a fabulous quilt ON BOTH sides! Congratulations on the quilting!
Ashes is being very good not putting dark fur onto your pale quilt - good cat!
out of interest will Ashes sleep on the other side of the quilt. Maybe he likes bit of colour in his life lol.
Gorgeous quilt -- front and back!
I think cats like something really soft to curl up on -- and the afghan probably has a softer texture. Our two boys always will curl up on anything put on the bed rather than on the duvet cover itself.
She must like the rumpledness of the afghan. I love seeing the quilting on the back.
What a wonderful quilt, front and back! Aren't cats funny? They really do have their favorite places.
This looks beautiful from both sides. Perhaps Ashes just doesn't want to mess up the white side.
It is really beautiful quilt. I also love white backing or light colour. Love to make one as pretty as yours.
What a great idea to show the back side as a "whole cloth" quilt. Did you do the handquilting? It looks marvelous.
I love that you can use both sides! I think your sweet kitty was just saving your white surface form kitty hair! Sweet baby...
Beautiful, beautiful quilting, the back is almost more beautiful than the front.
Your blog is very nice. I make patcwork too.I am waiting for you to my blog. www.akrepburcu58.blogcu.com
Beautiful quilt front and back!
I am trying to train my dog to sleep on her quilt, instead of my bed quilt....you've already accomplished that!
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