Saturday, April 28, 2007

Next round of UFO's

Do you remember seeing these UFO’s in my Feb. 22 post? Well, they are all done and it’s time to show you what I’m working on now.
These quilts (ah but … one of these pieces is not a quilt!) will be discussed in future posts. I’m not going to have a list of UFO’s on my sidebar and cross them off as they are finished. Instead, a photo will be posted and these quilts will stay out in the open in my studio and stay in my face until they are completed. Once all those quilts have been dealt with, then a new photo of my next batch of UFO’s will be shown. How’s that for planning and my incentive to finish quilts?

All of these items have been entered into my Guild’s UFO Challenge. The challenge ends mid-May and there is no way I will be able to finish them by then. But, finish them, I will. :o)

Do you notice how bare my design wall is? Perhaps I will allow myself to start a new project since I’ve been so good in completing some of my UFO’s.

Have a great day!


Nicole said...

You have been working very hard by the look of all those quilts nearly finished! That has been my current goal as well, to wrap up several projects that are so close to being done. Happily, I got the borders on one this weekend and will take it to the quilters next week! It is a fantastic feeling of accomplishment, isn't it?

Pam said...

That's a good idea to have your UFO's displayed to see all the time. When they are folded neating and put on a shelf it is very easy to forget about them.

Your fantasy garden quilt turned out just beautifully. Such a lot of work. Congratulations on getting it finished.

Anonymous said...

Great idea Rose Marie, to have them in your face.... if you have the room... Love the size of your studio. It must make stitching so much less stressful, having all that room to work in.

Unknown said...

Hola Rosemarie !!! Congratulacions !! You can finishe your ufo´s , I can´t ...
Very beautiful your work . A hug from Chile , Vero

Diana said...

You have been so busy! Keeping the UFO's out sounds like a good incentive to keep working on them. Good idea!

Sarah said...

Oh UFOs... Sometimes I think they've just been around too long and you loose the energy to finish them off. Like you I'm plodding on with a UFO - a large quilt that I'm hand quilting.
Good luck with your UFOs. ;-)

Anne Heidi said...

It's a wonderful idea to keep those UFO's in sight, before you know it, they will be finished!