Friday, April 13, 2007


OK … the time has come to start revealing the flowers and the blocks in my blue & green flower wall quilt. Have I teased you all enough? :o) Sorry if you have been kept hanging!

It’s taking me longer than I thought to sew these flowers onto the hanging. I’m dealing with layers of bulk and it’s hard to maneuver the material around to needle. Since this block is in the middle, I figured it will be the hardest one, so might as well get that out of the way first.

For this block, there are no embellishments. I can always add them in after the quilt is finished if needed.

Of all the flowers in this hanging, this is my favourite. There is just something about the way those petals hang and the way they are put together.

As you can see the flowers in this hanging are 3-D and that is the reason why I waited until all the quilting had been completed before sewing the flowers on. It would just have been too hard to put the quilt with the flowers attached into my quilting lap hoop.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Well I did wonder how long you were going to keep us all in suspense...LOL.... They ar just stunning, and yes I enlarged the photo to get a good look. You do such beautiful applique.

Paula, the quilter said...

ooooo... I like these and can't wait to see more blocks!

Anne Heidi said...

Oh it's just beautiful! I can imagine the time it took, but it turned out perfect :)

Julie said...

That's looking really pretty. Can't wait to see the rest of it.

atet said...

Oh my. How absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see the others if this is the sample.