One more block to go and it's going to get finished today so that I can post it tomorrow. It's about time, as I'm tired of handling it. Do you feel that way about some of your quilts once they are in the home stretch?
I noticed lately that there are some of my photos that you cannot click onto to enlarge. I don't know why or what I'm doing that doesn't allow you to.
The comments about my flower blocks have been lovely. If you haven't had an e-mail response back from me it's because your e-mail address is set-up as 'no reply'. I try very hard to acknowledge your comments in some way.
Have a great day!
Had a giggle at the name of your block...too funny. It looks lovely no matter how mutant it may be. I'm sure you'll be happy to have it finished and taking pride of place on the wall.
I don't know -- mutations can be fun! And yes, I do get to the point in the home stretch where I don't want to look at a quilt anymore. I'm trying to overcome that feeling -- otherwise I would get swamped with UFO's.
Absolutely it's your quilt and you can o what you like. And I do like what you've done.
Yes I get "over" the quilts as I near the finish. Sometimes it takes a while before you love them again.
The reason why your image is non-clickable is that there is code missing. I noticed that the [a href="http://.... string of code is not there for the non-clickable image. Don't know how that happened, but to fix it you need to edit the html. I would just leave it alone.
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