Well, what a day my SIL and I had at the Creative Sewing Festival! If I was on the fabric diet challenge that is currently going around, there would have been major guilt chewing away at me today.
At my Guild meeting on Wednesday night, I snapped up this book “True Style” for quilted jackets for 25 cents. Yes, 25 cents (that would be 25 pennies)! What a bargain! This is leading to something.
Now, at the Festival, we sat in on a demo showing quilted jackets. Oh my, oh my, what a treat we had! Sandra Thomas (lives in Guelph, Ontario, Canada) is the lady that made these jackets and what a talented lady she is. Sorry, but no photos were allowed to be taken of these garments. We started talking to her before the demo started and she lived in my home town back when and went to the French school there which is just a hop, skip and a jump from our old home. So, talk about an omen here. I got the book, drooled over these jackets and it was in the cards that I just had to buy material to make one of them. As I was getting my fabric cut I mentioned to the booth owner that I had just seen a demo for jackets and Sandra just happened to walk into the booth. Omen!
So, on the left is the material for “the jacket” shown below the book. It is definitely on my list TO DO! By now a number of you have come to the conclusion that I love jackets. In case any of you have counted, I mentioned the word “jacket” eight times in this post. :o)
The other material on the right is for other projects and for backing. Now that I’ve pawed the fabric enough already, the time has come to start washing the fabric before working with it.
Have a great day!