Friday, March 23, 2007

Quilting Stitches

Thought you might like to see a close-up of the hand quilting on the quilt that is currently hanging up in our dining room.

The quilting pattern came from Does anyone know what is going on with that magazine? This past week, I directed another blogger to that site to look up all their free quilting motifs and yesterday when I was in their site, the Motifs section has changed and all of their regular motifs have gone (there is only a couple of recent motifs) and no explanation as to why! :o( I'm not complaining as I have a binder full of their motifs that were printed off years ago. I'm complaining for new quilters who have never been to their site and can never take advantage of them!

I learned something new this week from another blogger. Apparently, my photos are too large, all of them well over 100kb. Hubby is looking into this for me, as I don't want any problems uploading my images. He is the techno wiz in our home! :o)

Have a great day!


david santos said...

very weel done Rose Mary!
This work is very nice. thank you
have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Rose Marie that is truely beautiful quilting, wish I had the patience to do it but alas I don't....
I can help with the answer to your question about the quilting motifs. It's rather long I'm sorry, but this is what was sent through to one of the yahoo groups I belong to. I'll try and give you the shortened version, in other words the answer from the woman at Qultmaker.
Thank you for taking time to write to us with your concerns about our
I'm happy to learn that you enjoyed our motifs. There are two reasons
we have removed the free motifs from our website.

1. We are partnering with Electric Quilt to provide our motifs in CD
form and
our free website will be in competition with that effort. The CDs
will be available this fall,
one for each of the five Quiltmaker Motif Collection books. These CDs
will work in two ways. The first is as a standalone source of motifs
that can be sized, manipulated and
printed, regardless of whether you own the Electric Quilt software or
The second is that they will work within the EQ software package,
enabling those users to apply the motifs to the quilts they design.

2. We have become aware of some piracy issues surrounding our motifs.
As I'm sure you are well aware, Quiltmaker owns the copyright to all
of our motifs. We have offered these to our readers for personal use
(this is stated in our copyright notice in all of our motif
collections books). Our copyright statement on our free motifs on the
website simply said, "All Rights Reserved". Those rights preclude
commercial use of our motifs, but I'm not
sure that everyone understands that. Because we've discovered that
some people
who quilt for hire have been using our motifs illegally, even
digitizing them and sharing them with others online where there is no
protection for our copyright, we felt it was necessary to remove them
from the website.

In the meantime, I hope you will visit our website,,
each week to download our free motif of the week (which is available
for personal use).
The motif will only be available for one week. We'll put up a new one
each Monday.

In case you quilt for hire, let me assure you that you are welcome to
use Quiltmaker motifs on customer quilts if the customer owns the
original source of the design, such as our magazine or one of our
motif collection books.

If you are interested in owning your own Quiltmaker Collection of
quilting motifs, we have five volumes available for sale on
Search for Quiltmaker Motif Collection. If you buy all five volumes,
you get a special deal that's equal to getting one book for free.

Thank you for giving me a chance to explain what is happening with
regard to Quiltmaker motifs and our website. I hope you'll continue
to visit to download the free motif of the week and consider adding
the Electric Quilt CDs (available Fall, 2007) and the Quiltmaker
Collection of motif books to your library.

Brenda Groelz