I’m back home and tired from my traveling. I never made it to my second destination after all and instead stayed at my Mom’s place for the entire time.

Isn’t she just charming? They say that calico cats are temperamental and this feline just oozes attitude. This is what greets me whenever I visit my Mom. She and I fight over a chair. It’s hers and mine. There is no way that I would even attempt to lift her off the chair. Would you? She always stares at me with her ears turned sideways. In all honesty, I think she is just the cat’s meow, attitude and all! :o)
Can you guess that these photos were taken by me and guess what chair I’m sitting in? Is it my imagination or is she giving me a warning that she really wants to sit in her chair? :o))
Excuse the dirty rug ... it was shampooed shortly after this photo was taken! This cat loves to throw-up ... on the rug, of course (and even better when it's just been cleaned, grrrr)!
Tomorrow, I'll have something about quilting.
Have a great day!
I love a cat with attitude. Yours looks very dignified. We have two, Jasper and Annie. They get along fine, but have totally different personalities. The guild blocks are very pretty, too. Is there a drawing for them?
That cat has just the look I need to give my GD now and then! Can you show more of theBlue and White Flowers quilt??please??
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