Above are the blocks (Honey Bees) that were drawn for a lucky lady! Each person that brings in a block, gets a ticket for the draw. I’ve won in the past, but not lately. Oh well!

We had a marvelous speaker (Lucy Anne Duffy-www.lucyanne.org) for the meeting. It was a scrap lover’s paradise! Wow, what wonderful scrap quilts and tops she had for showing to us. Sorry, but I didn’t take any photos of her quilts to share. Lucy had one top that came from her grandmother and it was glorious. The fabric was very fragile and Lucy will send it out to the Mennonite ladies to quilt as they know how to work with fragile fabrics.
Isn’t this quilt wonderful? A member of the guild made this quilt. Can you see all the tops on the table in front? Those are Lucy’s quilts and tops that she showed.
Have a great day!
I've been eying the honey bee blocks--it almost (almost!) makes me want to try applique again.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Headaches come and go with me, but having a morning like last Wednesday is what I hold on to.
Looks like you had a wonderful time at your guild meeting. We're just now trying to start a local quilting guild where I live, and we're meeting to sew together tonight! Can't wait :)
That is a prolific quilter! So many tops that need to go to bed!
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