So, since my Snow Blossoms is being worked on and over in the corner there sat my crazy quilt all basted and ready to go and I’m just itching to work on it and I’m bored …why can’t I work on both, instead of just the one quilt all the time?
And, that is what I’m doing this past month. I just keep alternating working on these two quilts.
It sure helps to relieve the boredom.
Have a great day!
Why not work on 2 at a time. That's the reason we work on many projects....we either get bored or loose interest in a project and what to try something else. Multi-tasking thats what quilters are doing. Go for it!
Love the photo - I always keep a couple of projects going to keep the boredom away.
Your quilts are both so different it would definitely keep the boredom away...I am always working on several things at once, but they are all usually in different stages.
Why not? Sounds like a way that you may get more done on both this way!
That is the ONLY way to work in my opinion.
I understand being bored when you are quilting, you should work on them both.
The ideal solution I think !
I always have many hand projects going on at the same time. This way, when I get bored with one, I work on another. Mind you it's been a while since I picked up this quilt that I'm hand quilting! Keep well!
I love hand quilting and have always got some on the go. as for boredom, I always work on a few projects at a time so if I get bored of one i put it away and work on another
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