I've been marking my klosjes quilt for hand quilting and switch between quilting my star hanging and working on my klosjes top. Usually, whatever I'm working on, Miss Hank has to climb onto it and lay down for a nice long snooze. You can imagine how frustrated this has been for me. So, I keep the other project close at hand and when she climbs onto my quilt frame, I just reach over and drag the other project over to my chair, fiddle around with it a bit and then Miss Hank hops over and settles down for a snooze on that ...
Have a great day!
So beautiful! I envy your handquilting!
Absolutely Gorgeous! I just got a quilting frame and am a tad bit overwhelmed...But will soon give it a try with a quilt. I have the same problem with Chicca. Gotta love our cats and their love of our projects!
Clever thinking! Pets are so lovely but can be so frustrating at times like that! I love your hand quilting.
You are just so darn talented Rose Marie....
Oh RoseMarie this is so precious!!!
I used to have a quilting kitty as well, however she would want to snooze under the hoop!
I can't wait to see your Klosjes quilt quilted!!!
Sending loads of kisses,
Stunning!! Your hand quilting is gorgeous!
Well, I have a dog who understands the word "off!". (dog hair is another issue) Your chair looks a lot like mine, my favorite place in the house. Trouble is it's nearest the door and tends to get husband's junk piled on it.
Your quilting is just super.That is a stunning quilt.
It's not easy to trick a kitty because kitties will do what kitties do, but you have done so very well!
Its almost as helpful as my cat is when Im trying to sew by machine or by tunneling herself under what Im hand quilting. She loves anything that is fuzzy or warm.
I really laughed at your story because I've experienced it as well. They just want to "help" don't they? Your hand quilting is beautiful!!!
What a clever idea. Now you're both happy and can enjoy your quilting!
Your quilt is absolutly gorgeous! It always nice to have ower best friends nearby when we sew, and its hard to have to push them away. Love your clever trick :o)
Now everybody is happy! The quilting is looking beautiful, I'll be looking forward to the finish.
Now that is a clever trick!
Your quilting is lovely
Your quilt looks great! Love your quilting solution. So cute. I am sure you would feel lonely without kitty by your side.
Exquisite hand quilting. What are you using to mark your quilt?
You are one smart cookie when it comes to cat antics. Nice to see that you are happily quilting and enjoying life. :-D
That is an adorable photo...you will always be glad you have that shot! I also love the photo of your hand quilting...makes me want to snuggle up with some hand quilting of my own. Thanks for sharing it...it's not something you see much these days.
I do exactly the same thing with my Rosie poodle...she gets on everything I work on, so I have to get a bit tricky to fool her!
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