Friday, August 16, 2024

A Pile of Quilts

This is the aftermath of changing out the quilts each month ..... a huge pile of quilts to roll up or fold.

Help is always appreciated when doing this job ...... but this fella kept getting in the way!  He really liked the rolling bit and the string tying.  Play time!  LOL
Sister and I went to the cottage for an overnight stay.  We saw a momma partridge and four babies.  Momma just sauntered slowly across the road in front of my car and her four babies flew across the road.  If you look closely to the left side of the road, you can barely see a baby there.

We've been seeing this deer carcass for a while now.  It has been picked clean.  A pack of wolves or a bear must have brought down this deer.  There were actually two carcasses ..... a doe and a baby deer.  The rest of the bones were plowed off the road by a truck, but something dragged out this carcass.   Sad yes, but that is Mother Nature.
Change of topic from sad to beautiful.  

I don't get many comments for my posts and wonder about those that do not comment.  Do they like what I write about?  Do they like my photos of quilts?  Regardless, I just write anyway and hope that I strike a cord of interest with my followers/readers.

Then out of the blue, I do get wonderful comments and I'm taken aback by their lovely words to me.  Thank you Ruth F for your comment .... it sure made my day!  I couldn't reply back to you as your email is set up as no-reply, but I just wanted to acknowledge you here.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


Gretchen Weaver said...

It's always fun to hang up the quilts, folding and putting away isn't as much fun. Since mine hang out longer, I always tumble them in the dry for 15 minutes on 'no heat' to fluff out the dust. Happy stitching, enjoy your cabin while you can before the snow flies!

cityquilter grace said...

you have so many quilts that you display i can see why it's a task to change them out, but enjoy seeing them! keep it up!

Jennifer said...

Yes - I can see how young Ridley would find that activity amusing, lol! I recognise that road, but we didn't see deer the day we went with you.

Anonymous said...

I look for your blog every morning. Thank you for taking us along your world.

Kim said...

I can’t believe it’s time for a change of quilts and another season change already! Seems like it was spring just a minute ago. I made exactly zero quilts so far this year, my longest dry spell in years. Do you ever have that happen to you? To me it seems doubtful that you have had a time when your desire to create quilts wavered as you seem to accomplish a great deal…I know this because of your lovely blog. Thanks for writing. It’s always good to hear about what you are up to and funny kitty shenanigans as well!

loulee said...

I do miss the help of Belle when I'm doing anything with a quilt or my crochet. Cats sure appreciate our crafts.

dq said...

Your pile of quilts looks like "quilt change" at my house too. I am glad you are being real.
I enjoy your blog and appreciate your talents. I really like the glass case with quilts in it on your banner.
Road kill is just a fact of life.

Maria said...

Oh It’s a big job fold all your quilts I see your helper Ridley….
Looks like a beautiful drive to the cottage.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I really enjoy seeing your quilts, I frequently look at what you're working on and wonder if I could make it work for me.. not a great one for commenting, but I do enjoy your blog. thanks for sharing, Elaine in UK