Friday, August 2, 2024

Chevron Log Cabin blocks

Well, much progress has been done on these blocks.  They are all done.  Now, I can slowly do the QAYG (quilt as you go) for each block.  I'm happy.  I have something for take along sewing to keep my hands busy.  So, for the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge, my challenge for the month of July is DONE to where I wanted it to be.

Below are the fabrics that will be used for the backs.  It will be interesting to see them done up..
Lo and behold .... look ..... one row is done!  Hand quilted and each hexagon sewn together!  Very happy.  I will continue with them for the month of August as part of the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge.
For the Challenge, #3 was chosen for August and this is my #3.  Lorna's Vine.  My colour choice is blue.  I was initially tempted to go with red, but hubby said no to that choice.  So, blue it is.
There are 12 of these triangles to make.
Four of these squares.
All the sashings have been done.  This batch needs trimming.
There are 2 different fabrics to chose from for the large alternating squares.  I just have to put the fabric up on my design wall and pin the sashings on top of the fabric and decide which one to use.   I will show you that choice on another post.

This project is more along than first thought.  I'm surprised this hasn't been finished into a top by now.  Guess I needed this challenge to push me.  LOL

No binding got done for July challenge.  No-blog Mary is taking a break.  I think I need to also take a break from doing that for a few months.  I've struggled recently with the binding challenge and that must be my clue to take a break.

Can't believe we are into August already.  We are enjoying a heat wave right now.  It is hot and muggy but no complaints because in a number of months we will be getting cooler and then colder as we move into the new year.  We pay good money to experience this heat by taking a trip to the Caribbean.  

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


loulee said...

Wow, those chevrons look amazing all up there on the design wall together. You have made amazing progress.
The vine quilt looks beautiful too, I love the colours you and hubby chose. I'm looking forward to seeing how you progress on both projects this month.

cityquilter grace said...

ooh gorgeous QAYG project....i have that pattern somewhere as i've been tempted by it every now and then....and oh the new project! beautiful just beautiful!

Jennifer said...

You are certainly getting on with your QAYG hexies! Looking forward to seeing your applique quilt....the design says "spring" to me.

Kara Kwilts said...

I just needed to remind you, your chevron project is individually bound blocks put together into a quilt. You have gotten a lot of binding done this month, it is just in quilt blocks, not big quilts. :) I too love the colors you choose for your quilts. You have a great eye for color, it inspires me. Have a great summer!!! Hugs, Kara

Florida Farm Girl said...

You've done it again. Had to have that book and luckily found a used one in great condition. Stay well.

digitizer embroidery service said...

beautiful & pretty....