Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Challenges

Life got in the way this month and not as much got done as hoped for.  

More Chevron Log Cabin blocks got done and that seems to be about it.  This is my #10 for the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge.  I would like to get the rest of the blocks done soon so that I can take them off my design wall in preparation for a couple of gift quilts to be started.

From the beginning of June ......

to end of June ........  this is quite a difference!  From 9 blocks to 63 blocks on the design wall.
Plus 2 more that are ready for the binding to be folded over, sewn and then hand quilted.  A total of 65 blocks.  All of the dark triangles that you see pinned onto the design wall means that is how many more blocks are needed.  Still have a way to go.

No binding got done .... but two more quilts got picked up from my LAer.  My no mo-jo for the binding challenge will have to be sorted out and get going again for July.

I was asked about a quilt on Rose Marie's page on Pinterest.  This is not my page at all, but I did a search on Pinterst and found the quilt that the quilter was asking about.  It is called "Convent Quilt" and the lady wants to make it because she lives on Convent Lane in Australia.  I believe this is the quilt she was asking about.  This is not my quilt, nor my photo.  I took it from Pinterest.  Mind you, the story about this quilt is quite interesting and was started by nuns living in a convent in Quebec.  Their story makes me want to make one too.

At the same time, I was able to find the instructions on how to make this quilt and the links are below:

If you are the lady that wants to make this quilt, please note, that I do not take any responsibility about the instructions.  They are as posted.  

To my fellow Canadians ..... Happy July 1st.  To my American friends .... Happy July 4th!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


loulee said...

Life does get in the way sometimes and mojos get lost along the way too, but in spite of all of that you made great progress. Love your chevron blocks.

Jennifer said...

Happy Canada to you and your family, Rose Marie!

dq said...

Rose Marie, those chevron hexies are the coolest thing I've seen in blogland lately! Wow! What an amazing quilt!! Is it from craps?

Kim said...

Happy Canada Day. 🇨🇦