..... harmony is back in our home ..... Robyn has been found! The hanging that was shown in my last post will soon be winging its' way to Australia. A big 'thank you' to Kathryn (in Australia) for taking time to search for me. Kathryn even called another person living on the same street (last known address) with the same last name hoping that they were related and could tell us where Robyn is. The man didn't know her but Kathryn said he was a nice chap to talk to. Quilters are just so kind and willing to help at any time.
Ashes just doesn't care what is going on in the household ... she just needs her daily pinch of cat nip and all is well in her little world.
Debra (on the right) from Patchwork Sanity came over Tuesday afternoon and said that I was just too hard on myself and reminded me that when something is promised from a quilter, there is at least a 2 yr. waiting period. Enough said. We had a lovely visit and ended up at a quilt store that is on the other side of the city and rush hour starting in just a few hours. We tore out of our house leaving DH sputtering 'when will you be back'.
Before leaving for the quilt store, we had a show and tell. Debra showed a gorgeous Lone Star king size top and I was so amazed at the beauty of the pattern and the fabrics she used that a photo was not taken. Debra will just have to show it off on her blog.
I showed her my klosjes (spools). Five more rows on the bottom have to be cut out. Between my stash and the new FQ fabric that was purchased, I should have enough. Debra has invited me over this coming Sunday to go through her stash to find anything that is missing. My plan for this quilt is not to use the same background fabric twice.
I don't know about you, but I sure am having a good day!
Beautiful quilts and a very pretty cat! Have a great Day!
It is a Great Day. Enjoy every minute of it.
Sounds like a marvelous day!!
Ashes certainly looks comfortable. :-)
Remember that 2 year waiting period when your giveaway win is delayed.....LOL just kidding. I have a plan so it will not take that long!
Love the pic of Ashes and the picture of you and Debra is beautiful.
I am glad for a Great day!!! Harmony, spools, sewing...wonderful!
I will remember the 2 year timeframe when I start making another quilt for someone. I still owe my dad a quilt from christmas :/
That's a great pic of you and Deb! You both look as though you are rearing to go and spend some dollars on fabric......
Rosemarie it was a perfect day!! to bad it couldn't be done everyday..can't wait till Sunday!!
I saw those spools in person and they are just gorgeous!! so tempting you didn't show the mini one???
I think that is the best picture of us both I think they are right we are happy quilters!!
Ashes is so cute and fluffy!
glad all is well - your spools look great.
What a fun day! :)
and oh, your klosjes are coming together so nicely!
I am glad your day is a good one.
The bigger your top gets, the prettier it looks. I'm loving it.
I was thrilled to read aboutt he happy ending with Robyn. Yes, fellow quilters DO have hearts of gold.
Ashes is a cute little thing!
Such a clever arrangement for your klosjes! It is beautiful!
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