Now that all the background fabric has been found and cut out for my klosjes, it is time to put away the rejected fabrics. Guess what I'll be doing today!
Have a great day!
BTW .... we do have a smoke alarm installed just outside my studio. I have been trained now on how to use this extinguisher. Seriously, though, this was a good gift to receive.
It Is--- It is!
But it is also very funny!
Can't wait to see more of your lovely Klosjes!
Oh, and here I thought it was because you were sewing so fast he thought you might catch on fire!! But it is a great and thoughtful gift...
It is a good gift -- also funny!
Funny but not! Better safe than sorry.
I agree, that is a great gift!!
Thats a great gift and a great guy you have there!! You lucky girl!!Hahaha!! don't want a fire in your fabric, do you! Good idea.
Now what a thoughtful guy! I used to have my alarm go off because I ironed under it and the steam used to activate the alarm. I moved the ironing board.
It is good, but funny too!
Thanks for giving me a laugh.
Bless his little 'pea picking' heart (as we say down south, that's south USA) He was looking out for your safety and knew that if all that fabric went up in smoke you would not be fit to live with.
A good gift indeed. Smoke alarms are necessary.
A thoughtful gift...and hopefully you never have to use it.
Gosh, you know this really is a darn good idea! A great gift. Thoughtful & loving frankly.
Having a fire extinguisher is never a bad thing. Ive been contemplating on getting one for the appartment, should a candle go out of control, or if I have a bad chef moment...cause I have set food on fire unintentionally before.
But then again, im a klutz
Your post reminded of me of the prize I won at work one time...a fire extinguisher! Big winner, there...really a good gift though!
Love this post, not just the writing, the pictures funny.
well, that is beautiful creation,, I have an idea, how if we use that to decorate our room,, like wallpaper.
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