Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Almost there!

Well, my plan to try to get at least two blocks done per day is working.  Not many more to go now.  Just 16 full blocks ......

.... and 8 half blocks on both ends.

My sister and I went to the cottage a couple of weeks ago.  We saw autumn colours on the trees.  Say it isn't so!!!!  No, it was the setting sun casting a glow on the trees across the lake.  Whew.

Then, we saw something in the middle of the lake.  What in the world was it.  Was it a bird?  No, this thing was odd looking and moving way too quickly for a bird.  My sister got the binoculars and looked and .... holy cow .... it is a moose, she said.  We grabbed our cameras and went flying out the door.  By the time we got to the front of our property, the moose had already moved away down the lake.  We had to hurry to be able to catch it as it was coming ashore.

Off into the bush it went.  This was a young moose.  How excited we both were!  We nearly missed seeing this moose.  We were on the porch facing the lake.  I was reading a book and my sister was doing a crossword.  She got stuck and looked up to think and that is when she saw something funny in the water.  Karma.
Mr. Ridley is quite the contented kitty.  His meds hopefully are working.  He will have bloodwork done in a month and we will see then how he is doing.  He was buy looking out the window at some work being done in front of our home and stayed like this for a good 15-20 minutes.
He still drags this rope to his water bowl; drops it in and then drags it back to the living room or dining room.

Of all his toys, this seems to be his favourite and we find it in different places around our home.  One end is usually wet.  LOL

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


Jennifer said...

It looks nice and green at the lake! Ridley, you are a funny kitty, that's for sure.

loulee said...

Your quilt top is looking amazing. Great progress.
Lovely to see Mr Ridley fit and well and keeping himself busy.

Maria said...

WOW, I’m loving that quilt. Would I be able to buy a pattern?
Lovely place to visit and Riley is a funny cat.

Kim said...

What a fun sighting, a moose out for its daily swim. Mr.
Ridley has an interesting toy. How is it that he started playing with a length of rope?

Kim said...

If only you could read Ridley's mind. =) It looks very peaceful there by the lake. The perfect spot for a little stitching or reading. How exciting to spot the moose. And how fabulous are those blocks looking This is going to be an amazing quilt!

dq said...

That is a gorgeous photo of the swimming moose - cool!
Great job on another accomplished goal! I love that quilt!!