Saturday, September 9, 2023

Which UFO?

Oh decisions, decisions ..... which UFO should I pull off the shelf to work on?

Why one ..... why not two?

OK .... so what is my reasoning for two?

One to work on at home using my sewing machine and a handwork project to take along to work on away from home.

This one will be worked on at home.  It was started at a workshop back in 2012 and promptly shelved.  I did finish another one from a second workshop at the same time .... so, why is this one still lingering?  I hate doing log cabin blocks.  During the workshop, the teacher had to actually sit with me and coach me on which way to do those strips and I'm still confused .... but I WILL figure it out.

This applique project will be the handwork to work on away from home.

So, these two UFO's will see some progress this month.  A little bit here and there will make a difference!

Cherish your day cherish your life!


Jennifer said...

Only two at once? I admire your restraint! LOL

Annemiek said...

I am currently doing 3 at the “ same “ time LOL

Kara Kwilts said...

On the log cabin quilt, done is better than correct. With a log cabin, you have to look pretty close to see if the logs were placed incorrectly, as long as the lights and darks are right, it will all be good. :D It will be lovely no matter what. Hugs, Kara