Saturday, April 30, 2022

April Binding Challenge

Well, no-blog Mary and I did it again!  We each completed our April challenge quilt!

This is Mary's quilt:

This is my quilt and there will be more on this quilt in an upcoming post.  I have it drying on a rack in our T.V. room.  For my quilts, they are sometimes dried completely in the dryer; sometimes they are put in the dryer for a few minutes and then dried on this clothes rack.  It depends on the batting and who the recipient is.  My quilts are always washed after the binding goes on.  Always.  
Ask me how many colour catchers were used and what colour they came out of the wash!  Any guesses?  Lots and reddish/pink and all of the red fabric used were pre-washed!  Was I surprised?  Not at all.

Mary made me chuckle on how she chooses her quilts to bind each month.  She just puts her hand in the big bag of quilts and whatever comes out is the one she binds.  Sometimes they are small, other times they are large ones.  Now for me, I pick and choose which one to do each month.

We will be doing this challenge for a while as we each have enough quilts for probably another year .... at least.

We have already chosen our May quilts. 

This is Mary's quilt and it is a huge one:
These two quilts .... yes, two ..... are mine:
So, why two quilts?  Each are being gifted, so ..... time to get them done and gifted so that the young gals can enjoy them!

We have inspired another blogger to get on the binding bandwagon.  Chookyblue ( has joined in and is starting to get quilts finished too! 

Chooky sent a photo (permission given to use her photos) of a pile of bindings for four quilts!  She is doing her bindings in groups and sewing them onto her quilts.  When she feels like hand sewing, she can then grab a quilt and sit and sew down the binding.  That is a clever way of getting the tedious part out of the way beforehand.   Whatever works for each person .... be it as one quilt at a time or as a group of quilts .... is a win-win!
This is one of her four quilts that she has the binding sewn in place.  This will be such a pretty quilt once it is finished.
See what happens when a challenge is issued!  Anyone else want to join the fun?

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


Chookyblue...... said...

I am 1/2 way thru the 3rd one for April.......the churn dash pictured is just being trimmed off......I lost a little momentum but back to attaching binding this girls are doing well and yes you ahve inspired me........

Kleine Vingers said...

I sew my binding on as soon as I have finished quilting, mostly after handquilting. So I do not have a stack of quilts that need binding. I love to get a quilt finished and washed and are able to use it. Good luck with the binding.

Kim said...

Gosh, do you and Mary really have enough quilts for a year to bind??!! You and Mary are both machines! Mary's quilt is lovely. Those colour catchers are a life saver, aren't they.

Anonymous said...

Good job! Would you mind sharing info on the clothes drying rack? What a great size! Thanks 😊

loulee said...

Chooky made amazing progress during the zoom meeting. You too, I loved seeing your bright Swedish Postcards all done and hanging.