Friday, October 8, 2010

Change ....

Do you remember this hanging from a few posts back? Well, there was something in the large star that was bugging me and I decided to make a change. Better now than later. Below, do you see those two pieces with the flower pins .... I've decided to take them out and replace them with other fabrics. Since the backing behind the star circle has already been cut away, it is a bit more complicated and I will show you how it was done.

First, I took my Crayola Washable marker and where you see all the arrows, I traced the edge so that when I applique the new edges together there will be a line to follow.
Then, do small basting stitches (see long arrows) as these edges need to be stablised for sewing the new patches to them.

I'm doing English Paper Piecing method and my new patches have been sewn together and they are now ready to be sewn to the large star. Where you see the large asterisk (*) that is the point to start sewing. The arrow down the one edge shows the direction to sew.

Below, looking at the back of the new insert, you can see that the one edge has been sewn. I've put an arrow on the back of the insert and also an arrow on the next edge that need to be sewn together.

Next, the new insert has been pinned to the background fabric (navy blue) by following that line that was marked with my Crayola marker. This edge will now be appliqued to the background fabric.

Below, you can see the back of the star with the paper pieces still in place. They will be removed and the process is done.

... and there you have it. The change has taken place. I've started to mark up this hanging and soon will start to hand quilt it.

Have a great day!


Joyce said...

It looks like a lot of work but the improvement was worth it.

Karen said...

The change is good. I didn't think it was bad to start with but seeing the new fabrics, I think you did the right thing.

Dolores said...

It must have really bugged you to go to all that trouble to change it. I don't think I would have done it.

Anonymous said...

I am inspired! Lots of work to change it at that stage, but so rewarding looking at it now.

Sharon said...

Was the star originally done using paper piecing? It's worth the work if you are not happy with it.

Jennifer said...

If something about a quilt bugs you, then you need to change it right away - or every time you look at the quilt, you will be wishing you had!

Mary Lou Casada said...

I think you did the right thing -- even more, I love HOW you did it! I've wondered how to do something like that, and even had some older quilts I'd like to replace patches on. I think this technique will work beautifully! Thanks so much!!
Mary Lou

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Rose is stunning well done...

Quiltgal said...

It does make a good change

Karen said...

Isn't it funny how sometimes we just can't live with something and go to great lengths to change it. I learned years ago, if it really bugs me, it's worth the time to change it. Looking good...

Sandra said...

It is always interesting to seeing how someone else approaches an "opportunity". Thanks for posting your tips:)

Donna said...

Satisfying that inner voice? It's got to be done sometimes! Nice.

Barb said...

wow, you make that look easy.
It so worth it to do it now and enjoy it forever -

harmonia said...

Me gustaría saber donde venden el libro de las calabazas,para aplicar,en España ,Barcelona,no lo he visto,me lo mandarías? mª dolores giner de Blaya.

harmonia said...

Si me dice el precio te mando los euros,ingresando el dinero donde me digas,o intercambio con otro libro de aqui,español.un beso.