You may have noticed lately that I have been a bit quiet with my quilting. There is a reason for that ….. I have been making hexagons. Since I joined
The Great Hexagon Quilt-Along blog, I just seem to be obsessed with making more and more each day and they really are addictive.

Here is ¼ of my queen size quilt..... well, once these two sections are sewn together, it will be. The look is cottagey (is that a word?) and that is exactly what I was aiming for with this quilt. My garden is growing day by day and I’m loving it.
Have a great day!
I love how your garden is growing....
It's going to be really lovely!
It looks wonderful, good for you! I'm making my GFG the old-fashioned way by hand-piecing, not the English paper piecing method, and I'm making very slow progress because I don't work on it very often.
Oh my gosh...its so pretty! Are you doing all that by hand? I have got to share your blog with a friend of mine (a no blogger) that is also making a hexagon quilt.
Oh Rose Marie - this is a real treat. How lovely. Are you machine or hand piecing?
I'm head over heels in love with this - I love hexagons!!!
Very pretty - looks like a lovely English country garden.
Pretty, pretty hexies. I am doing some hexagon work too - pictures soon.
Pretty, pretty hexagons!!! They truly are addictive, aren't they?
Rose that is just much work
I saw this on the other site this morning and was going to come back this evening and tell you how pretty your garden is so I will tell you here too. I am really enjoying doing them too.
Simply stunning! That's another thing on my to-do list.
I like the colours you chose, it is going to be a beautiful quilt.
When did you start this? You have done so much, it is beautiful.
Gorgeous...yes I think Cottagey is a word LOL! If it is not , I understood it and that is scary!
Rose are amazing!! I don't know how you do it.. but they are beautiful!! I can't believe how many you have done already!!
Oh my you sure have been busy. They are beautiful.
What do you use for you design wall, I need something for my small sewing room.
Where on earth did you get all those little old-fashioned calicos? They are so adorable! So much stitching and it is beautiful!
They are VERY obsessive, I can tell! And fun to make!
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