Below are my siggies that have been received so far. They have come from far and wide. What fun it has been receiving letters and opening them to reveal really unique blocks. I will have a gorgeous quilt one fine day! :o)
#2 – Elfriede from Austria
#3 – Beate from Germany
#4 – Enrica from Italy
#5 – Ria from The Netherlands
#6 – Puck from The Netherlands
#7 – Annelies from The Netherlands
When I saw Elfriede’s name on the list for siggie swapping, I just had to have one from her. She lives in my Dorschner ancestral city of Linz, Austria. Lately, I have been busy doing genealogical research and when her letter arrived, I was on the computer looking at that family tree research. Who knows, we may be related ….. it is a small world after all.
Annelies is the hostess for the siggie swap and if you are interested in participating, visit her blog.
Have a great day!
the filled in embroidery is beautiful. It looks much more balanced with the background fabric now -- no more disappearing wall flower :-)
The stitchery is just beautiful - sounds like I am echoing pixie - but it truely is. Great job!
Those embroidered blocks are beautiful!
Looks better every time you show it! I bet you are getting anxious? Wonderful siggies, how fun to get from all over.
Wow, each time I visit you have more done. It is gorgeous!
Extra special to recieve a siggie from your ancestral home.
Please send my love to Hank and Ashes.
And before I forget, I love the stitchery. It's really coming together into something amazing. I think I'd have to see it with Hank before I gave my final opinion though. You know, little kitties always enhance the work! :)
H & A Fan Club Love, *karendianne.
That embroidery looks great!
I'm blog-hopping my way through Chookyblue's SSCS list to see who else is playing along.
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