Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. There were a few comments that need a bit of explanation.
My corners ….. I had to bevel the corners like that …. it wasn’t in my original plan. The quilt is so large that the corners were dragging onto the carpet. I have done rounded corners before. This is the first time for beveled corners and I love the look of them.
Where do I baste my quilts? On the floor. I have tried doing basting on a table; but wasn’t happy with the result. I really need to re-consider this method as my body just ached after the quilt was all basted.
Those open white spaces and border? I have plans for those areas.
Have a great day!
I too often baste on the floor, but have found if I haul everything to my church and put large tables side by side I can stand and work! Much easier, though stil inconvenient... maybe that's why so many quilts stall out at the flimsy stage.... :-)
Beautiful! You have done an amazing job.
I'd say you passed the inspection with loud meows! What would we do without our helpers? :)
Pretty quilt. It's been so long since I've done hand quilting I can't remember how I basted; must have been on the floor. I never liked that task.
The floor method is really hard to your body.
Your helpers are too cute! A quilt just isn't the same without a few kitty hairs, imo. ;-)
I found this basting tutorial for basting on a table on YouTubeand plan to give it a try the next time I've got something large to baste. I have heard from a couple of people that it works well.
I can't wait to see what you do in those wide open spaces and border (that would be my favorite part to quilt)....I know it will be amazing!!!
This is going to be a beautiful quilt! I love your beveled corners!
I do believe your kitty-cat critics have grown on you! Have you considered a quilting frame that doesn't require basting? I have one and it works like a dream.
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