Friday, August 8, 2008

Feline Shuffle

I’ve been busy working on my Dresden Plates and ……… I have lots of help …. whether it is needed or not. :o) We have all been having fun playing with blocks. Ashes even thought that she didn’t like some of my appliqué and tried to claw a couple of the plates off of the background fabric.  In the end, this is my layout.  

Oh, oh ….. NOT so fast ….. the kitties decided that they have to have a paw or two or more on the final layout.

When I’m not in my studio, the blocks are not touched at all. As soon as I walk into my studio, those blocks are fair game. 

Have a great weekend!


Danetta said...

It looks like all involved had fun with this. I wonder if you would mind to show the back of one of those blocks so I can see what it is supposed to look like.
Thanks for coming by my place the other day. I will try to do better about commenting!
Enjoy the weekend.

Teresa said...

I just absolutely love those blocks. I have a "Friendship Ring" quilt top that my Grandmother started just before she died, which was right after I was born. It is dresden plate "kits" that she bought and made two blocks and I have 10 others that were never made. Once of the finished blocks was lost, so I have a total of 11 blocks. I have decided to just make one of the plate and then pass that down to my daughters and let them each make one, then it will go to my Granddaughter. It will be several generations before this quilt is finished, but what a legacy it will have. The blocks look just like yours, and the fabric dates back to the late 1940's since I was born in 1950 and she had them then. Fabrics look very much like the Aunt Grace fabrics of today. The only difference is that a colored circle of fabric is added to the center.

Joyce said...

I think I like your arrangement better than the kitties.

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem the other day, only with a dog deciding she didn't like my layout so she ate my applique pieces.

Vicki W said...

LOL! It's going to be a very pretty quilt if they ever let you sew it together!

Cathi said...

I love your blocks -- love Dresden Plate blocks any way they're set. Kitty helpers, of course, are never shy about changing layouts! :-)

Anonymous said...

You have a precious help lol! I love your blocks your quilt will be great !

Unknown said...

The quilt will be great, but I think you should decide on how the blocks are arranged.

Jeanne said...

I thought your layout was wonderful, but I guess the kitties have other ideas. *s*

Ali Honey said...

Your lay out looks great.
Cats are such a help aren't they?

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

The plates look fantastic...your furry friends look like they have been ever so helpful...LOL

Anonymous said...

I think I am glad that there is only one of Moggie.
Just see what two can get up to!
This is a good reminder to get those Christmas Dresden's down.
I just went through a very large crate and goodness me...I even found some doubles......LOL
I am just itching with ideas to do more than fondle..

~Bren~ said...

I love the lay out! Sorry your kitties did not like it!

Brenda said...

Wonderful blocks! Love the pictures of your helpers...cats love to get involved.

Deb said...

Your blocks are beautiful!! I love this pattern. I also know the dilemma of cats and laying out quilts with 4 of them to guide me in placement!!

sewkalico said...

How helpful! Lucky they are so cute!!

Kim said...

Simon and Schuster usually wait until I leave my sewing room and then they grab whatever they want and take off to parts unknown, quilty item never to be seen or heard from again! Thus the need for the screen doors for my sewing rooms. Keeps them out of my things, lets the air flow and they can watch me from "the other side".

Darlene said...

I love your 'plates' - they are so sweet. I've been contemplating starting a similar project.
I loved your lay out - dang it everyone is a critic. LOL!