Monday, May 28, 2007

Donated Quilts-Starboarding

This is the second quilt that was donated to my niece’s school. It was fun to do and I love the stars. The flannel backing fabric has snow boarding motifs and since the front of the fabric is made entirely out of star fabric, hence the name.

I did simple machine quilting and the stars were appliquéd on after the quilting was done. See, another quilt where the appliqué was done after! :o) You can do it too. Just remember that you will be dealing with a lot of bulk in your hands.
The draw was held recently and two lucky youngsters went home with this quilt and Cotton Candy (from my last post).

My niece’s class made up this gigantic card to thank me for helping them out. It was signed by all the students and the school principal and teachers. Is that not sweet of them? This card now has the place of honour on my bulletin board in my studio.

Have a great day!


Tanya said...

Really pretty quilt and the stars are beautifully appliqued. I've always wondered about whether it is "acceptable" to add applique after quilting. Sometimes, it just needs another leaf or something.

Leigh said...

What lucky kids. Well done Rose Marie and what a lovely card.

CONNIE W said...

That's a great quilt. The card is so nice. I love personal things like that!

atet said...

Those stars are lovely, and what a great name for a quilt! I'd hang the card prominently as well -- always room for a warm fuzzy to start the day!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Ohhh - I love this one too. The colors are great and I always love stars!

Anonymous said...

Love it Rose Marie, and how sweet the card is. It would definately take pride of place on my bulletin board.

Unknown said...

It is very courageous to appliqué after quilting, but when it looks so nice, ...! The card is a real heart-warmer and something to look at and be proud of everyday!
You asked me what quilting thread I use. It is the 100% cotton quilting thread from Gütermann. It is available in a lot of colours and variegated as well. It sews well and doesn´t knot. I hope this is of some help.
I will definitely show my quilting as you go method although I don´t know wether it is the new or old way of doing it. Take care.

Simonetta said...

I like this quilt, indeed! You have used of the beautiful colors and the stars applied them really ok!!What lucky kids :))))

Luísa Silva said...

I love the nine patches surrounding the stars.

Jenni said...

That's a striking quilt, love it.