Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Raining Ducks

I thought that this quilt would be appropriate to show today …… yes, it is raining ducks. 5 Little Duckies is the name of the pattern and so perfect for a little one.

Our weather is cool again. We have been having the worst spring so far that I can remember. We have had only a few days of really nice sunshine and warm temperatures and then we are pulling on sweaters for warmth once again

So, to give me a lift, I’m going to have another cup of peach tea. The postman was early delivering mail this morning and in my mailbox was an envelope from Connie. She sent me some tea bags of the most delightful peach flavour. Thank you, Connie! I definitely will have to find a source for this tea. It is so refreshing.

Have a great day!

Pattern source: Quiltmaker Magazine, November/December 2001 issue


Vicki W said...

It's very cute!

~Bren~ said...

It is raining here today too.
I like the water effect in the quilt!!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute ducks, I've just come in from mowing, already it's up to 90 degrees.

Joyce said...

A very appropriate quilt indeed. We too are having cool weather but it's also incredibly dry. We are really hoping for rain.

Belvie said...

What a cute duckie quilt!

Weather seems strange everywhere. Our area has had some many tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings. I'm ready for that to go away, but unfortunately we have that sort of thing as a possilbilty this afternoon and again on Thurs.

Here's hoping we all start to experience nice weather soon!

Kim said...

Very nice...your creative juices certainly are flowing like the rain! Heheehe

Cathi said...

The duckies were sure appropriate today!
Don't even talk about this weather! This has to have been the worst spring ever. But have you seen our forecast for Friday?? A humidex reading of 42C? Yikes, get ready to turn on the a/c fast! But I don't care how hot it gets this summer -- after the winter and spring we've had, I'm going to enjoy the heat!

loulee said...

Cute lil' duckies.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Rose Marie what a cute quilt, just love it...our days have been very mild not cold like it should be...

Andrea said...

Great ducks - really sweet for a litle one.

Teresa said...

What a darling quilt. Those ducks look paper pieced - are they?

Pam said...

Love the ducks!! How perfect!!

I think that spring is not coming to my part of the world either - we had a really nice week in Alaska but the weather was not great in Vancouver and it has been rainy since Sunday.

Unknown said...

It is so cute. It seems to me that you are having an Icelandic spring *LOL*

Elsie Montgomery said...

Love the ducks. We are having sun with late day showers. Lots of thunder last night, but it is lovely right now. Don't know if others say it, but here "if you don't like Alberta weather, wait a minute."

Rain is a good excuse not to weed.

Brenda said...

The duck quilt is wonderful...someone will definetly be happy to receive it. The weather here in Southern Oregon is doing the exact same thing...it does tend to get to one. Tomorrow it is supposed to reach the 70s here,hope the same for you.


Anonymous said...

Love the ducks, they just "quack" me up! Great colors and what a fun pattern. :-)