Monday, September 26, 2022

It's been a while!

My life is quite busy at the moment and will continue for another few more weeks.

Cottage season is winding down and my sister and I are trying to get as much done outside and inside while weather permits.  Our Canadian Thanksgiving is in a few weeks time and that is when we close down the cottage for the season.

The squirrel saga continues.  The cedar seeds have dried up and are now brown in colour.  We keep checking each time we go out to the cottage to see if the squirrel has stored away these seeds.  Come on, squirrel, you only have two more weeks to get it done.  Don't keep us in suspense!

Trees are changing colours.  The clouds in the back caught my attention.  They looked gorgeous against the darker blue.  A rain front was moving in.
A bit of sitting around a campfire before the rain started.  Not too many more of these this year.

Quilting wise .... not too much happening.

My 2" x 4" (finished) rectangle top is coming along.  The center is all sewn together and then I decided to make it slightly bigger by adding to pieces to three sides. 

Waiting on the sidelines are more rectangles cut for a another quilt.  This will be the third one I've made using these fabrics.  Love them for kiddies!
My September binding challenge is slow going ..... binding will be cut and sewn on over the next few days as I do want to work on this quilt at the cottage this coming weekend.
This triangle project is slow going and I'm starting to lose interest.  I'm thinking a wall hanging size instead of a bigger project.  That is how my UFO numbers got so large.  A lot of interest and then they sort of fizzle out. 
This one is very happy with her quilt that was gifted recently.
Sadly, this one had to have some dental work and a trip out-of-town was on the cards.  This quilt kept her warm.
I'm all caught up until next time.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A Scrappy Quilt

This quilt has finally been gifted.  

Wasn't I spot on with my colour choice!

Quilt Details:

Source:  Stash Buster Challenge (a Facebook site) and pattern by Border Creek Station

Of course, I changed the block slightly from the pattern.  What else is new, eh!  LOL

Block Size:  10" finished

Started:  April 2022

Top Finished:  July 2022

Quilt Finished:  August 2022

Size:    60" x 77" (top size before quilting, washing and drying:  60-1/2" x 78")

Batting:  Hobbs poly scraps

Machine Quilted by:  Kathy Wareham

Quilt design:  Dancing Flowers by Christy Dillon of My Creative Stitches

There we have it .... another happy camper with their new quilt and another quilt finished!

Fall is definitely here.  Tree colours are changing quite a lot now.  We will be having a number of cool days ahead and then it will warm up for the weekend.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

September binding challenge

With all that has been happening with my life lately, I forgot to post what quilts were chosen for September.  Between my falling, cousins visiting for our annual cottage get-together and working on the cottage, I forgot to post.  Oh well .....

This quilt is no-blog Mary's and what a beauty it is!  Love the scrappy fabrics.

My quilt is this one:
I wondered if Mary had enough quilts to bind for another year, so she was asked .... did she?  Heck, yes!  She has recently sent 11 tops to her LAer.  So, no-blog Mary is good for another year, for sure!  LOL

What about me?  Oh yes, there will be a dozen for sure.  We have to prepare ourselves to keep this challenge going.  Mary is so happy about the challenge as she has quite a few quilts ready for Xmas giving this year.

Quilts getting finished, quilts going to others.  Win-win!

Cherish you day, cherish your life!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Oh, those squirrels!

Well, here are the 3 new projects that have been started.  It has been great working on UFO's, but this gal needed something new in her life!

First,  another 2" x 4" finished size block.  This is for a birthday gift in November.  Need to get cracking on this one.

Next, some stars.  Charm squares are being used up to make these blocks.
Finally, some triangles being done using EPP method.  Jocelyn at (  is making these too and they sure caught my attention.  This project is just the ticket as I was needing a new take-along project for the cottage and for the garage.  Perfect!
The saga of the real squirrel continues.  More and more cedar seeds are appearing on this deck as well as under all the cedar trees on our cottage property.  A lot of the older cuttings are drying up very well and are turning brown.  The newer ones are green and will need a few more weeks of drying.  Is this squirrel trying to tell us something about our coming fall and winter?  A few days ago while we were at the cottage, flocks of Canada geese were heard late in the evening and early in the morning.  They are on the move and is it early this year for the migration to have already started?  Nighttime temps. are cooling .... under 10C these past few days.  The hummingbirds will soon be heading south.  Fall is around the corner and trees are starting to turn colour.  Soon, it will be time to put away summer clothes.
My getting around is improving but stairs are still a bit difficult, but getting better.  The more I move, the better it is.  Hand rails and I have become fast friends!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

August binding challenge and Churn Dash challenge!

Wow ..... so many challenges!

Here we are 8 months into the binding challenge and no-blog Mary and I have once again completed our challenge quilts.

Here is no-blog Mary's quilt:

This is my quilt (more on this later):
Our September quilts have been chosen, but that will be in another post.

A little bit of progress has been made on my Churn Dash challenge with Chookyblue (  Only a little bit.  The edges have all been trimmed and next will be to get the borders on.  The borders are stalling me to no end!!!  I would like to make a run out to see my LAer and bring her a few tops this month.  

I had to slow down on my quilting for a few weeks.  You see .... well ..... I took a bit of a tumble and fell down three stairs backwards.  My tailbone was first to hit the floor and then the back of my head.   This time, I didn't hesitate to want to go to ER to get my head checked out.  Had a cat-scan and x-rays on my tailbone and my hand and all ok.   Had a bit of concussion from the head knock.  The headaches have now gone and my hand is slowly coming back to its' normal colour.  My tailbone is still sore and that might take longer.  I've been staying off devices as that seemed to bother me.   Reading books also was hard.  T.V. was ok and I watched that and dozed a lot in my chair.   The binding on my August quilt was worked on here and there as long as my right hand wasn't moved a certain way.

Did that scare me?  Heck, yes!  I'm ever so careful on the stairs now.  Lesson learned .... the hard way.

Something new ..... three squirrels came to visit me.  Oh dear, just what I needed.  More on them later.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!  

After my fall, this quote is ever more precious to me now.