Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Close-up of Quilting

Here are close-up shots of my hand quilting for those who want a better peek!

I am going to be away until next week and will be unable to visit blogs and leave comments.

You know the guy from ‘behind the scenes’? Well, he will be posting for me. :o)

Have a bunch of great days!


~Bren~ said...

Rose Marie, your hand quilting is incredible. Could you hear all the ooohhh's and aaahhh's coming from Illinois? That was me!!

Unknown said...

I agree with Bren, it is adorable, wow from Iceland.....

atet said...

Adn the second set of ooohs from Illinois is coming from me! Beautiful as always. And if that is your "wonky" applique -- please come teach me how to get it that "off". :0). Have a great trip!

Ila K. said...

Spectacular quilting!

I'd be afraid to let my DH post on my blog... It would begin, "too much stuff..."

Safe and pleasant journeys

Leigh said...

I'm speechless!

Carmen said...

Your quilting is very pretty!!!

marisa said...

Wonderful !

corry said...

your quilting stitches look perfect!

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Great Quilting!!! I love the 'echo' quilting round the applique, really sets it off well.

Anonymous said...

I'm with all the other ladies Rose Marie, wow, absoloutely stunning. Enjoy your time away.

MARCIE said...

Wonderful quilt! The applique is so eye-catching. Lovely hand quilting as well.

Ali Honey said...

Congratulations! Great job with your quilting. I love the blue colour scheme. You should be very proud of your work!

Enjoy yourself and see you back here soon, Ali.